You want active players ? You want mil-sim experience in vacuum? You want firepower? You want teamwork? You want guidance as new or old backer? You want daily missions and evenly loot split and equality among all members You seek the stars ? Welcome to Seeking Space.
We shall fight on the craters, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the vaccum and in atmosphere, we shall fight in the space stations; we shall never surrender
-Commander Churchill
Created by the ones who looked up, continued by the ones who push the boundaries of what is possible. We want you to hold the line. We come from Ace Combat, Microsoft Flight simulator X ,Arma 2 and 3. Being there when battle royal was created. We want this experience in the theater of stars. We will provide the tools and the knowledge to make this happen. Elevate the Star Citizen experience and reach its true potential.
Experience the verse as it was intended. Mil-sim way. Teamwork oriented, with active communication and organized missions. No restrictions on what is possible. No rules that limit on gameplay. With clear and specific roles depending on enjoyment, not group needs. No complex recruiting procedures , activity checks ,pvp tests and requirements and toxic competitive behavior. But a collective effort to experience all content and guide others to make the correct decision money/ship wise or gameplay wise. Sharing knowledge and experience.
We want you to reach a critical mass to create economy between players, 24 hours people availability. And multy crew gameplay.
I wish the common sense was more common. It is a frustrating experience, we know. Be polite,respectful, be resilient on change do not be racist or discriminating for any reason. We all are citizens under the same stars. Together we can workaround problems,fix mistakes and correct the decisions. As a singularity you can go faster,but as a team we go further.