Evocati - NDA
Spectrum Identification (SID) AVOCADO
Organization rank Initiate
Archetype Faith
Prim. Language English
Prim. Activity Exploration
Recruiting No
Sec. Activity Engineering
Role Play Yes
Commitment Hardcore
Exclusive No
The Miners Union
Spectrum Identification (SID) MINERUNION
Organization rank Apprentice
Star Racing
Spectrum Identification (SID) RACE
Organization rank Fan [Affiliate]
The Corporation
Spectrum Identification (SID) CORP
Organization rank Junior Associate
Murphy Enterprises
Spectrum Identification (SID) MRPH
Organization rank Associate
Unified Armistice Association
Spectrum Identification (SID) UNARAS
Organization rank Member
Brown Coats
Spectrum Identification (SID) BROWNCOATS
Organization rank Captain