Born in 2917, SpecTRe Commander Xander Starrunner grew up on the over-crowded planet of Earth. After losing his father at a young age Starrunner was raised on the streets of New York, the largest metropolis on Earth. In order to escape a life of crime and an early death as a gang member, Starrunner enlisted in the UEE Military and thanks to impressive cunning, and military brilliance ascended rapidly to the rank of Lieutenant Commander in the year 2939. After leading a series of successful defenses against Vanduul Raiders, in which the young Lt. Cdr. was heavily outnumbered and outgunned, he was promoted to Commander and the Special Tactics and Recon division was created. The new SpecTRe division led by Commander Starrunner, and his RSI Constellation Phoenix class ship, would be the tip of the spear in defending the outer most territories against Raiders.