X: @Basvision_JFK
YT: @Basvision
SC: @Deimos_Prime
Cpt. Deimos Prime, Ex-Military, younger brother of the Bounty Hunter Duo formed with Maj. Phobos Prime, founder of the Birds of Prey.
Last known Ship: The Tantrum (300i Luxury Spaceship)
Got unhonorable discharged after the "Geddon Incident"
Open Sentences: Treason | Murder | Smuggling | Theft | Vandalism | Slandering | Harrassment | Embezzlement | Speeding | Bounty Hunting |
Known as the "Psycho" of the Prime Brothers because of his violent attitude and irrational behaviour.
Appearance is unkown due to face surgery. Dr. Steiner, the leading Doctor, was reported missing after he performed the surgery.
Attached file shows a security camera picture; the only photo ever taken of Cpt. Prime after he was discharged. The Station this camera was located on, was destroyed shortly after this picture was taken.
Suspect is definetly armed and dangerous. Call your local authorities if you have any information on the whereabouts of Cpt. Prime.