Malic187 was born in 2945, the youngest of two children. His parents, both human engineers, had aided a Banu merchantman by repairing his quantum drives using Hull C parts.
The Banu man, in return, had welcomed the family into his souli, his family, and had taken them on as travelling companions as they searched the cosmos for profit. This was the start of Malic187's lifelong journey.
During the years that followed, Malic187 and his family travelled from system to system, sometimes joining in with other Banu ships, sometimes going it alone. He learnt their language, customs and mannerisms, and soon became an integral part of the Banu way of life.
By the time he was a young adult, Malic187 had become a skilled engineer and trader, a combination of his parents' expertise and the Banu teachings. He was a popular figure among the Banu, and his loyalty was unquestioned.