Hi. I'm Nui.
Disclaimer: Nui, Nhue, Nuee and Bunnee is henceforth referred to as “Nui.” By inviting Nui to party, party members have acknowledged and agreed that Nui is playing this character "as is". Nui does not provide any warranty of the game whatsoever, whether express, implied, or statutory, including, but not limited to, any warranty of healing, damaging, communication, buffs or the use of specially crafted substances for survivability, objective, a particular purpose or any warranty that the party will be error-free.
In no respect shall Nui incur any liability for the party losing in a Player vs. Player environment, including, but limited to, direct, or indirect, resulting from, or any way connected to selective healing, selective hearing, visiting respawn, face-tanking, falling off platforms, keyboard turning, exploring the map, trolling, backpedaling or anything else Nui feels the need to include. Party with Nui at your own risk.