S.E.E.R. Logistics
Spectrum Identification (SID) SEER
Organization rank Fleet Command
Archetype Corporation
Prim. Language English
Prim. Activity Resources
Recruiting Yes
Sec. Activity Freelancing
Role Play Yes
Commitment Regular
Exclusive No
GLADIATORS - Ex Unitate Vires
Spectrum Identification (SID) GLADIATORS
Organization rank Recruit
Slaughter Moose
Spectrum Identification (SID) MOOSEWING
Organization rank Follower
Galactic Business Federation
Spectrum Identification (SID) GTF
Organization rank Lifetime Premium Member
The Corporation
Spectrum Identification (SID) CORP
Organization rank Junior Associate
Operation Pitchfork
Spectrum Identification (SID) OPPF
Organization rank Master Bacon Maker
The Convoy™
Spectrum Identification (SID) CONVOY
Organization rank Journeyman