Born and abandoned on the gritty streets of Cassel, Kramer's life began as an orphan in the unforgiving shadows of a luxurian world. Raised in the unforgiving embrace of the city's underworld, he became a resilient dweller of its clandestine night life, surviving by taking on whatever murky and potentially lucrative tasks came their way.
With a past shrouded in secrecy and a willingness to venture into the shadows, he dabbled in a variety of illicit occupations to stay afloat, even delving into the darkest corners of the city. Yet, amidst the harsh realities of their upbringing, he managed to seize a pivotal opportunity. This life-altering gig set in motion a daring escape from the clutches of Cassel's local mafias, who became bitter adversaries as a result.
With newfound enemies in pursuit, Kramer set their sights on the vast expanse of the universe, yearning for a chance to leave behind the grim world that had shaped him and to seek a brighter and more promising future amongst the stars.