Hello guys,
My name is warstrolo, and you will always know me by this name.
I like to see myself as a collector, and entrepreneur. All thing said I hope to see you in game !
If you ever need help for protecting assets, please do ask, our corporation (Jellyfish) is dedicated for asset protection and asset management.
I'm the proud owner of several high-end ship, such as the
- RSI Orion
- Origin 890 Jump
- Consolidated Outland Pioneer
- RSI Polaris
- Banu Merchantman
- Anvil Carrack
- RSI Galaxy
- Aegis Reclaimer
- Crusader Industries A2 Hercules
- RSI Scorpius Antares
- Mirai Guardian QI
- Argo SRV
- RSI Constellation Taurus
- Drake Corsair
- Drake Cutter
(and so on as I keep pledging; ps they are not all in list)
Hope to see you in-game,