L5E (L5 Exploration Group) / L5GROUP

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing



A focus on Exploration, but we’re open to anything legal.

Free-lancing,Trading, Search & Rescue, Repairing, Bounty-hunting, Med-Evac, occasional Combat.



The L5 GROUP is named for a LaGrange Point, an area of orbital stability around a celestial body.
We are the new Guardians of the Galaxy.

Founded in July of 2947 by Commodore Zebulon Rickover, A.C.E., M.E., L.L.P. (zookeeper, guru, honcho, straw boss), the L5 EXPLORATION GROUP (L5E) will make history.
Or at least leave a mess trying.

GOT A MISSION OF YOUR OWN? Need better equipment & more manpower? L5 says, GAME ON.”

IMAGINE …the L5 mothership is near the jump point performing scanning operations. You’ve been dispatched to a new system, #HH130782, a Class G star in Aquila. Your ship, R|V Aquarius, is a state-of-the-art Constellation-class research vessel with an Ursa Rover. MISSION: You and your crew of 3 will conduct Search & Discovery on the surface of #HL2610, a proto-planet with a promising atmosphere. The Ansari Organization has offered ¤100,000 UEC for the first discovery of new sentient species. The L5 org is just the place to hone your skills and claim the ¤100K X-Prize for discovery, securing your place in the history books.


At L5 our org members share roles, equipment & profits. While the majority of our equipment has LTI, our members’ lives don’t. So job #1 is to safeguard our members’ lives.

L5 aims to be the place for explorers & adventurers with a common cause – EXPLORATION.


OUR EQUIPMENT: 890 Jump ILLUMINATI, Carrack QUO VADIS, Merchantman WINDFALL, Starliner AVALON, Crucible SCARAB, Freelancer Mis MISS DAISY, Cutlass BLU-TO, Vulcan SPOCK, (and more)

L5 Group equipment presently consists of the following Research Vessels & related items:

  • R|V INSPIRATION, L5’s HQ, C3I (Cmd, Control and Communications) ship, an on-order 890 JUMP class mega yacht designed for exploration, touring, command and control and executive transport. Commissioning ceremony set for mid to late 2949.
  • R|V QUO VADIS, L5’s secondary Command & Control vessel, an on-order CARRACK -class research vessel & exploration ship with a crew of 4-6 personnel and a small hanger for our multi-person run-about Pisces skiff. With provisions for long-range scanning, exploring, multiple rovers, skimmers or ground vehicles, it’s a peach of a ship. Due in late 2949 or early 2950.
  • R|V ILLUMINATI-AZÛL, L5’s tertiary C&C and exploration vessel, a ready-to-ship 600i which replaces another exploration ship, our Connie Aquila which has been retired.
  • R|V PHAEDRUS, is a state-of-the-art scanning Crusader Mercury STAR RUNNER -class vessel capable of carrying multiple Greycat ground transports & capacity for a 3-4 person crew.
  • R|V WINDFALL, The Ark as we call it – a multi-purpose leatherman tool. The Banu MERCHANTMAN is capable of taking on multiple roles: Equipment Ship, Cargo, Trade, Blockade Runner. Its multi-use capabilities and 4-8 person crew opens up numerous possibilities.
  • R|V AVALON, A multi-purpose Swiss-Army knife capable of carrying cargo and people. It’s a mover. The Genesis STARLINER can take on multiple roles: Personnel Transport ( up to 40 players or NPCs); Equipment Ship, Cargo-Runner, Trade ship;… Its multi-use capabilities & 8-person crew opens up multiple gaming opportunities.
  • R|V SCARAB, This fully landable CRUCIBLE heavy repair ship comes with a built-in hanger capable of holding ships as large as a Cutlass Black. The R|V SCARAB provides an in-house repair facility for our flotilla’s equipment or act as a staging area for research or defense at the same time. It’s a flying toolbox, classified as a heavy repair ship, with a crew of up to 4 personnel.
  • R|V SPOCK, A vulcan repair and recovery ship, companion to our fully fledged Crucible repair ship.
  • R|V TURK, A single-crewed long-range research, scanning & exploration vessel, formerly a TERRAPIN class military vessel, it’s now a favorite 1-2 person research & exploration vessel designed to go to nasty places and come home in one piece.
  • R|V MISS DAISY, A first-line escort & security vehicle of the Freelancer-MIS variety. It’s a gunboat, or more specifically, a missile ship, capable of carrying a crew of 2-4 for our security & defensive needs. “Driving Miss Daisycutter” pretty much says it all. While not the most maneuverable, “FREEBIRD” will ensure skirmishers and pirates think twice before harassing any convoy with a missile gunship at bay.
  • R|V BLUTO, Another of our first-line escort & security vehicles, a Drake CUTLASS BLUE, is a police-grade escort with missiles and a stronger shield than the black or red variants. BLUTO can shuttle our Security crew planetside, take on a bounty, or assist in the capture of criminal elements.
  • F|V LEMAÎTRE, is our “ECLIPSE” class stealth bomber. Named in honor of the first person to theorize the Big Bang, this is our Big Bang. Let’s face it, someone’s bound to mess with L5 eventually. Our flotilla has the ability to mount a surprise counter-attack with our Eclipse, Harbinger, and various other attack ships.
  • F|V JOYEAU, On of the many swords of our flotilla. Our “SABRE” fighter carries a punch with its nimble maneuverability.
  • F|V DENEB, This Banu DEFENDER presents a dual-crewed long-range escort featuring alien weaponry & shields; this security ship is the second line defense of our exploratory flotilla. It’s long-range capabilities make DEBEN an excellent 2-person scout.
  • R|V GAMOW, Our “GLADIUS” fighter which is yet another knife in our sheath, capable of quick and cutting convoy, defensive and offensive work.
  • R|V BARBWIRE, This Drake-BUCCANEER is our “Barb” in the side of any griever or barbary pirate looking to harass our convoy.
  • R|V HERA, Simply put, the Drake-HERALD is a runner, capable of staking a claim, or getting important data (or a VIP) from Pt A to Pt B in the shortest amount of time.. She ain’t much to look at, “But she’s got it where it counts,” making the 12 parsec Kessel Run in less than /REDACTED/
  • R|V ANTARES, a single crewed long-range exploratory class MUSTANG-Beta, which we affectionately call “ANT.” Our “Ant” will serve as a training ship and long-range scouting vessel for new potential locales.
  • 2 x Dragonfly and X1 land speeders for rapid on-planet transport, carrying 1 to 2 team members each.
  • 2 x Ursa Rovers for transport of up to 6 personnel each.
  • 2 × 85X for transport of up to 2 personnel planet-side. Also carries a quantum drive to ensure it won’t get left behind.
  • 3 x Tumbril Cyclone buggy for speedy off-road use in scouting or security; with 3-crew positions including a gunner, the Cyclone is ideal for security operations around base camp. Another variant is capable of scanning and placing markers & beacons.
  • 3 x *Tumbril Ranger * cycles for speedy off-road or paved road access to our favorite planets and moons. Great for racing too.
  • 1 x Greycat personal transport; easily portable in a Reliant or larger class craft, the Greycat is perfect for scouting a moon, or crowded urban areas – Beep Beep!

Our goal is to form & staff a small self-sustained flotilla consisting of a dozen or so R|V (research vessels) capable of various size missions. The largest ships would form the backbone of scanning & exploration capabilities and feature sufficient cargo capacity for our Ursa rovers, Dragonflies, Tumbril buggy or other light-duty security & scouting vehicles. Our Defender and Mustang-Beta are available for enterprising L5 org members to scout out remote locations for the flotilla to survey when we’re all together as a team. The second part of the flotilla would initially be 3-5 security ships: a Cutlass Blue, Banu Defender, Gladius, Bucanneer and a Freelancer-MIS). Most of these have long range capabilities and can serve as L5’s security & defense arm, transporting security personnel to the surface to man planetary security vehicles, and to provide active flotilla defense to and from our mission destinations.

In L5 No role is too big or too small. Like scouting? Perfect, we’ve got equipment and a mission for you. Prefer security, escort and defense duties? Awesome, we need people equally handy with an assault rifle. How about scavenging or trading? The Merchantman has you covered. We’ll also need pilots & crew to shuttle our L5 vehicles & equipment from headquarters to base to planet. Like flying? We have a job for you.

It’s YOUR org, what do you want to do? With your help, L5 can grow into a fully-staffed and resourced org capable of virtually any long-distance mission, and capable of defending itself. The below graphic represents just some of the equipment that TWO PEOPLE have brought to the table thus far, ready for staffing. IMAGINE what a well-rounded cadre of 15 or so players could bring to the table. Unlike other orgs which seek to become virtual cities of people, L5’s goal is to keep everything manageable, tidy and yet fully-equipped. HELLA-equipped., The goal is to have just enough people to be able to randomly assemble on any given day a large enough group for a quick run, survey, or expedition. L5 is looking for interested & interesting explorers, so…


The following equipment would be most welcome: a Drake CATERPILLAR or SABRE . If you’d enjoy participating as a crew member, officer, pilot, navigator, explorer, scout or even if you have your own equipment and believe you could bring some more muscle to the famed L5 group.





  • “Looking at the stars always makes me dream, as simply as I dream over the black dots representing towns and villages on a map. Why, I ask myself, shouldn’t the shining dots in the sky also be as interesting and as accessible as the black dots on the map of France?” —Vincent van Gogh

L5 spacecraft will explore the farthest limits of the local sector, opening up new areas for discovery, charting new paths, exploring new systems, discovering new life forms, documenting scientific discoveries and expediting delivery of rare finds. In a nutshell, the L5 Group delivers the goods. L5 will take advantage of lucrative opportunities in order to finance further exploration & growth while capitalizing on promising joint-ventures and enterprises, thereby maximizing rewards to our org & team members in the process – expect lucor.

“Earth is the cradle of humanity, but one cannot live in the cradle forever.” —Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

Article I. NAME

Founded as the LAGRANGE POINT # 5 EXPLORATION GROUP LTD, hereafter referred to as the “L5 GROUP or more commonly as “L5.” The officers of L5 shall make up the Board of L5, referred to as “L5 Board” or “The Board.” The Board shall make key decisions regarding missions, staffing, training, additional outfitting, etc.


The general body of the organization shall be comprised of:





  1. CMDR
  2. LT. CMDR

(4) INFORMATION SYSTEMS (maintain web presence)

(5) REGULARS (general membership)


Article IV. MEETINGS ….. [to be continued, after the next survey mission…]

Article V. GOOFING OFF … see Article IV above.


(a) Making History Through Exploration

(b) Making Money Through Exploration. Hey, you gotta pay the bills.



At L5 EXPLORATION GROUP (L5), we intend to conduct ourselves according to three simple rules:


We’ve all joined STAR-CITIZEN to have a good time, much of which is through social interaction, so please, be welcoming, pleasant and respectful to everyone, whether they’re in our organisation or not. A mission that isn’t going well is no excuse for rudeness to other citizens. You can always log out and come back another time.


It is expected that all org members will respect and follow the laws as laid down by CIG, UEE, as well as any local laws or org by-laws, as applicable. Because if you don’t, then Chris Roberts, CIG or UEE may ban you, or worse, punish this org. If this rule is inconsistent with your desired monetary acquisition method, we recommend you look elsewhere for an organisation more… er, suitable.


If you have a problem, be it with another L5 member, someone outside the organisation, or otherwise, then members are encouraged to discuss this fact with an officer. Remember – we can’t help if we don’t know there’s a problem!