“Never out of the fight.”
Formerly known as the Independent Organization “Astrum Militia”. It has since been officially commissioned by UEE High Command to serve in the Naval Branch and establish an experimental Special Warfare Group, separate from that of the Marine Branch. This group has been named the “Naval Special Warfare Development Group” with a directive to conduct classified and non-classified Military Operations within and beyond the boarders of UEE territory.
Perfecting their skills for Special Warfare, DEVGRU has established various schools of training for certification within the Marine, Naval, and Aerospace domains to face any threat in any environment.
Initial trials were executed within the Stanton System with a primary objective of Counter-Piracy and assisting the Civilian Defense Force (CDF) as well as the various Corporate Security groups. Hostile action intensified over the years and DEVGRU was put to work in combating larger forces such as the Nine-Tails in their attempt to take control of Orison, Xenothreat with the various raids against trade lanes, and eventually the Slicers in their ambitious goal to overrun Stanton enforcement entirely.
Now DEVGRU has been tasked to the Pyro System to hit piracy at its source with a new objective of Direct Action to hit critical points of Pirate infrastructure in an effort to halt their continous raids in neighbouring Star Systems.
DEVGRU is the Experimental Special Warfare Group of the UEE Navy, authorized to conduct classified and non-classified Military Operations anywhere in the Cluster. The first and current operational Unit of DEVGRU is Naval Special Warfare Unit One (NSWU-1), predominantly formed of Special Forces Squadrons/Teams. NSWU-1 is also supported by Regular Naval and Aviation components.
While belonging to the UEE Military, DEVGRU are not bound by your typical rules of engagement (ROE) that many Regular forces are restricted to. Decided on a mission to mission basis by Command, DEVGRU holds full authorization to conduct experimental warfare, provided it is for the betterment and security of the UEE. These ROEs are always taken very seriously, and in no way shape or form are we considered a Mercenary/Outlaw Organization.
Special Forces:
The primary operational terrestrial and astronautics combat force of DEVGRU. All members who wish to join as the active marine fighting force will be designated as Special Operators, or Special Craft Operators and be assigned to the corresponding unit. Special Warfare personnel are certified to conduct, but are not limited to the following taskings.
Regular & Reserve Forces:
We hold positions for Regular forces that make up the backbone of our tactical aviation and naval assets via the attached components provided by the UEEN 2nd Fleet. Members who join as Regulars will not qualify for Special Forces designation, however have a wide array of opportunities among the aerospace squadrons/destroyer squadron as Aviators and Crew. Alternatively you may enlist as a Reservist and remain as Crew for the destroyer squadron. Reservists do not qualify for Special Forces and Aviator designations. Regular and Reserve combat personnel are certified to conduct the following taskings.
Administrative Forces:
DEVGRU holds an “Shore Command” for all personnel who join at a non-combat capacity in either Regular or Reserve membership. Non-combat personnel will have the choice to join one of our multiple Departments that support the operations and activities conducted by the deployed Units of DEVGRU.
DEVGRU is a MilSim/Role Play Organization which follows many Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) from the US Navy/Navy SEALs. We have taken careful consideration on user friendly means to implement these SOPs into Star Citizen without it compromising your enjoyment of the game.
Below you will find our active (and inactive) combat elements of DEVGRU. We are always looking for new talent for Enlistment, but should you be interested in joining the Command staff and assisting with the activation of one of our pending elements, we hold an Officer Candidacy Probation program for those who are interested in Commissioning with DEVGRU and taking a Command of your own. Standards are high, so please consider carefully before submitting an application for Officer Candidacy. More details may be given during your interview.
Active Combat Assignments:
In order to support Naval and Special Warfare activities within Star Citizen, DEVGRU houses it’s very own Administrative Commands for non-combat specialties. These specialties are organized into Departments, and service the combat elements in a variety of ways, both in-game and out of game. Any Regular and Special Operator service member can apply for a sub-billet in a non-combat Department, in conjunction with their primary combat element. Reserve members will have restricted multi-billet authority.
Active Departments & Corps