Avacyn Prime / 0472

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Freelancing

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Status : Not active.
Member size : 10-20.
Org origin : Denmark.
Org founded : 12. December 2022.
Main activities : Bounty hunting – Freelancing.
RSI site : https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/0472/

Avacyn Prime started as a small mining and holding company, it was founded in 2793 May the 3. As time went by the passion and vision for the company started to take shape.
The leaders wanted to exspand there buisness to other areas of interest especially in the settlement and construction area.
The dream and hope was big and required alot of income and research.
Slowly and steady the companies holding started to grow and the investors was gratefull for the progress.
They knew that in time they could start the exspansion and work for a test side.
In many years they have worked hard with labor work they was driven by passion and optimism even tho they had setback many times.
In the year 2854 solarflares from out of space was threaten the survival of the company, many workes died and there equipment was jammed for 3 years, huge outbreak from the sun made it impossible to work as planned and they had to rely on research to keep developing there goals, very little income was gained in the year 2854-2855-2856. Only small groups was able to work on daymars dark side, although the solar flares face the daytime side of daymar, they still cause a significant impact on the nighttime side as well. Evidence shows that ∼250-400 MeV ions where being accelerated during the impulsive phase, this was catastrophic, many workers had to isolate themself in temporary facilities and wait for rescue teams to come. Avacyn Prime also had to battle legal issues with insurance companies and a very bureaucratic jurisdiction from Orison. Finally at the end of 2856 the storm was over and our Medic & Rescue department could get some much needed vacation, our top leaders had decided to give the medical workers a free vacation all inclusive at Microtech this boosted the morale and the company as a hole. Most of the workforce was now a strong united group and had learned many lessons, they collected valuable data for the period and created strong and safe procedures for the future.
Avacyn Prime had still lost alot on the bottom line and the company assets had decreased to a point where they needed to take a lone at Orisons main bank and institution, this was not good as there was corruption in the sector and very low trust overall. The deals for the lone was so bad that the leaders chose to take a lone from a connection they worked a long time to establish, it was a underground gang called Bloodline Familia, the deal was terrific at first glans and almost to good to be true. Now for the first time Soulflares former family and leader of the company (Nicole Cyper) was in doubt, she had been through so much and was not ready to settle for less, she knew that the risk of not paying the mafia back could mean sudden dead of both her and the company. At a cold and dark night Nicole and a few bodyguards went out to make the deal at GrimHex, this could be the turning point for a more stable future. Nicole was dressed in dark leather that night and looked like a million on the outside, this was to better sway the boss she was abort to meet, but she felt fragmented on the inside. With a ambivalence feeling she went into a not so well known nightclub at the outskirts of GrimHex, the stage was set for her to complete a job she had never tried before and meant the world to her, in a VIP room felt with luxury she finally lay her eyes on the notorious gang leader Bruno. Nicole had her back covered by tree bodyguards, she was nervous on the inside but on the outside she had a cold poker face with no time for regrets, this was not the time to look back. Nicole knew she must not give the wrong information away and show weakness. The financial and corrupt world on Orison had made Bruno wealthy it was clear as Brunos own personal gave Nicole a chair of gold. This was it she was now face to face with Bruno and a long massive table infront of her.
Nicole could hear electronic music in the background from the club, this made her come down a little for some reason, Bruno looked at Nicole, Nicole looked at Bruno, the clock was 2am and everything so far was on track. Bruno started by saying Nicole i dont know you as a partner in this business so i have to take some precaution, first we need to check you, your guards and your clothes for any type of surveillance and weapons. Bruno moved over to Nicole to take off her jacked, at that moment Nicole felt that Bruno looked at her in a different way when he came close. Nicole had taken her best perfume on that night as a part of the sway, she knew if she could just get Bruno to like her she had a better chance to complete the deal with a more secure outcome.
The storie continues out into the night. Bruno wanted to make the best possible deal for himself whitout any problems. Bruno felt that he could control Nicole because she was in money trouble and in that way he could make him sign a paper that had great value for him in the underworld. Bruno explained Nicole she needed to give him a share of the company for him to make sure she did not ran away with all the cash she could resive. When Nicole heard Brunos demand for the deal she became suspicious and even more shaky to hear what she first thought was a good deal compared to hear alternatives now was a different type of reality. Nicole felt she still had options if Bruno was a man of his word the cost for the load was still cheap and it was not a small amount she needed, 2,5bill auec was her take. Nicole agreed that Brono became temperary share holder in her company after he had signed the paper. Nicole might not have been the most traditional leader in the industry she had inherited it all from her dad and had made many mistake in the past. Nicole was a different type of woman she liked her status and the people around her, it was still a family business and she loved the company for her own reasons. The agreement was made and promish was given Bruno wanted 20% of the share and a cost of 350mill auec for lone, the lone period was for 10 years. Bruno was happy that he could come to an agreement so he asked Nicole if she wanted to have a drink with him in privat whitout the bodyguards. Nicole had a strange feeling, something made her both fear Bruno and at the same time drawn towards him, there was something abort him she could not explain it was not the usual associated directors she was use to.


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