Slurms Mining Subsidiaries / 0808

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Trading

With our strong connection with the fast growing organization Stoneman/Black, SMS is a team driven equal opportunity mining corporation.

Slurms Mining Subsidiaries (SMS) is a subsidiary of Stoneman/Black.


Slurms Mining Subsidiaries(SMS) is a new and growing mining company focused on full crew mining and solo mining operations. Our main operations are located in the Crusader system. Our strong connection with Stoneman/Black has supplied us with abundant resources in both labor and tech.
Slurms Mining Subsidiaries(SMS) is currently looking for captains, and drill operators to increase their mining fleet to achieve maximum profits. SMS is an equal opportunity company and profits are split evenly among crew and captains alike. Join today!
Slurms Mining Subsidiaries(SMS) is a subsidiary of Stoneman/Black.


“Mining is like a search and destroy mission.”

-Stewart Udall


SMS Rules and Regulations:

1. Captains have final say on destination and extraction.
2. Profits will be split evenly among captain and crew unless margin is less or equal to refueling and repair costs.
3. Payouts are given by ship, and security receives payout only upon request of services by Captain of ship.
4. Members will not be allowed to join mining operations with a Crimestat.