Unidac Corp / 1013

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Resources

We have several devisions still in process to be created and manages succesfully. Join us and enjoy choose your own desired profession, and devision. Fly together, escort others, make money and much more to be done. Anyone is welcome (even for not so legal activity’s).


Welcome to Unidac Corp, we are a corporation whom set themselves as the neutral party. We are not in the verse to kick any issues or fights. This also means we won’t interfer with politics around the verse, no matter what the juristiction might be if there is a issue it needs to be resolved if not then we will continue our business either way.

We like to help our members with trading and contracting as well as mining. There is currently a structure being developed internally which will allow a money flow model and will fund the bigger missions which members can request or multiple members can require, this does not mean we will automatically discard external requests this will need to be discussed with the board members before it’s granted an agreement.
This might be from picking up a ship and / or it’s cargo to exploring the verse to map out the unknown.

This is also not a corporation where the board gets all the flow in, and no returns are executed. This is why the internal mission requests are available, if there is need of funds or resources to get you kick started again, then this will be granted by the board and given from their funds as Unidac funds. Even though this is the case, this must require you to return the favor and help the corporation out in any way possible. This might be trough mining / cargo and funds sharing. There are no taxes in place mind you, if your sole purpose is to have people to run around the verse with, then that will be your purpose. There will still be help applied but might take a while or needs to be given via other players.
This is so it’s fair between members and the board so there won’t be any disadvantages for anyone.

Ships can be lent out for use if the member or board member decides to do so, Unidac itself is not responsible for the effects of such lent. The board members will lent out ships in the form of piloting the ship itself and providing the ships utility case where or whenever this is needed.

The sole purpose of convoys is to provide players a chance in the rough patches of this galaxy or those whom seek to go outside this galaxy to others. Where ever this might be, we will not hesitate to provide support and / or resources if needed.
The system can only be helt in place if all members, from junior to board members, provide their piece to the system.

More official information will be shown soon.
Thank you for reading.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.