The Rehabilitation Facility / 12STEP

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

TRF 12STEP PMC specializing in:
  • Dogfighting / FPS
  • Embargo Enforcement
  • Combat AID
  • PVP Training
  • Industrial Scouting
  • Industrial Protection
  • Breaching Teams
  • Assassination Contracts
  • Area Control
  • Partisan OPs

Join our Discord for application.


We are back for 3.20 and will be recruiting soon, see you out there


In the morning glad I see;
My foe outstretched beneath the tree.



1. COMS (good coms are non negotiable – important calls are often made once)
2. DRILL (regular dogfighting)
3. SPEED (admin causes losses)
4. CHATTER (skill means shit if you are not humble)
5. DEFICIENCY (don’t make excuses if you lose – continue training)
6. METHOD (employ counter tactics quickly in tense situations)
7. RELIEF (help struggling new players)
8. TOTALITY (battle / finances / gear – don’t work for yourself on multicrew missions)
9. CLARITY (battle calmness – do not disrupt coms with stress unless calls are not being answered)
10. HARVEST (seek out revenue opportunities)
11. PROSPECT (seek out banter and fighting potential – TRF growth will be limited)
12. ENGAGEMENT (engage cleanly and aggressively – obey combat calls)