Signal Cartel / 1420

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Scouting

Dedicated to the highest ideals of exploration, our corp culture is one of wanderlust, camaraderie, helpfulness, respectful behavior, and peaceful intent.


Signal Cartel [1420], Star Citizen Chapter, is a corp designed from the ground up for peaceful explorers. We are proud to be part of the EvE-Scout Enclave, an EvE Online Alliance, which is where our roots began . Dedicated to the highest ideals of exploration, our corp culture is one of wanderlust, camaraderie, helpfulness, respectful behavior, and peaceful intent. We seek to provide our members with a friendly, nurturing home that includes great benefits and opportunities for learning, fun, and profit.


Corp Credo

One of the most important defining characteristics of our corp is the credo we have adopted:

Signal Cartel is a service corporation to all of the Verse. In this role, members are encouraged to treat all players with respect regardless of affiliation. In challenging situations, our goal is to look for a graceful resolution and set an example of dignity and friendship through our actions.

We embrace the attitude of a true explorer: we are friendly to others in our travels, neutral and never initiating aggression, and endeavoring at all times be perceived by the Star Citizen community as a non-threat. Although we never intentionally seek to harm, we may defend our friends and our ships. In suffering losses, we respond with good cheer and shed no tears. In this way, we aim to be recognized and respected by all across the cluster and left in peace to do our work.

Among our own ranks and with others, we are patient and generous with knowledge, ideas, and experiences. We foster a mentoring culture by answering questions, freely sharing experiences and learning resources, and when possible offering rookies one-on-one tutoring.

Specifically prohibited with your in-corp character: Piracy, baiting, or scamming; initiating aggression on other players’, player ships and/or property; aggressive actions in support of PvP fleets including support or target intel; corp or other theft including ship stealing. Note: Ships, wrecks, other abandoned property in space are considered salvage and may be harvested. Abandoned ships may not be destroyed.

“Why Do You Hate PvP?!”

We don’t! We understand that Star Citizen is a PvP game. We love PvP and many if not most Signal Cartel members enjoy PvP on other characters in other corps. However, Signal Cartel has the goal of remaining neutral to everyone in the Verse in keeping with the overarching goals and programs of our parent organization, EvE-Scout Enclave. Does this mean you can’t shoot back if you are attacked? Not at all…our members are permitted to defend themselves and each other. We simply prohibit our members from initiating any acts of PvP aggression.

Just because we don’t PvP doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun by fielding our trademarked Hugs Fleets or NPHI Fleets in EvE Online. It remains to be determined how that will translate in Star Citizen. ;)

Corp Life

Signal Cartel members tend to be solo wanderers, opportunistically exploring the Verse far and wide to discover its secrets, wonders, and buried (or abandoned) treasure. Yet we are all connected by the ideals behind our corp credo which encourage open communication, cooperation, helpfulness, and a generous spirit.

To aid newer players who aspire to that lifestyle, we offer personal ad-hoc mentoring and a more structured Explorer’s School curriculum on a wide range of topics of specific interest to explorers (including the basics a new player needs to learn to fit their ships and navigate smartly).

We organize regular group Expeditions to famous and lesser-known landmarks and sights, which give participants a chance to practice fleet, piloting, and exploration skills as well as experience first-hand places that connect to the lore and history of the Verse.

Our roots are beyond Star Citizen which began in EvE Online. There we are associated with the wider network of EvE-Scout scouts, some of whom many be in corp but many of whom scout from within the ranks of other corps. We hope to find a similar experience here in the Verse.


Becoming a member of Signal Cartel provides a variety of benefits, including:
  • A friendly, nurturing group of players to hang out with
  • Mentoring
  • Regularly organized group activities (both scheduled and impromptu)
  • Ship replacement program – To be determined
  • Exploration loot buy-back program – To be determined

We are evaluating our benefits and programs constantly to see how best to serve our membership. Ideas are always welcome!


Leadership Team

  • Stray (CEO, Chapter Director)
  • Mynxee (Executive, Director) – Honorary Position, Consultant

Kickable Offenses

  • Credo Violations
  • AWOXing a corp member
  • Theft from any alliance member or corp
  • Long-term inactivity (see Activity Requirements, below)

Activity Requirements

We do not impose specific activity requirements on members. However, we expect members to log in regularly for reasonable periods of time to maintain their membership, and to be active in Alliance chat. Inactivity (failing to log in for 60+ days; less than a week of activity in the first month; pattern of logging in for only a few minutes) will predispose you to being kicked during routine membership maintenance. Kicked members in good standing can re-join when they are ready to be active again.

Members who plan to take breaks or unsub should mail Stray with details. In such cases, titles/roles will be stripped and the “K-List” (Keep List) title assigned. Then you won’t be kicked for inactivity during monthly membership maintenance. Poke a member of the leadership team to restore your titles/roles when you become actively subbed and logging in again.

Why do we kick long-term inactives? Because it’s important to leadership that our memberships reflect at least to some degree activity in-game and that we are not an alt warehouse. That is important to both internal and external perceptions of corp vitality and its potential relative to in-game events we choose to take part in.

In-Game Channels

In game channels will be determined as Star Citizen continues to develop. All conversation in channels overseen by our organization are to be PG-13 and game-related. This includes any linked content. Avoid RL politics, religion, and other controversial RL topics.

Voice Comms (Discord)

  • Discord
  • Not required for day to day activities
  • FCs may require fleet members to be on comms for listening only or with working mic, at their discretion


The following are what we currently use for EvE Online. Star Citizen Chapter will be determined as we go along.
  • Discord via EvE Online membership
  • Forums via EvE Onine membership
  • New members should review all links in the Directory of Important Info upon joining.
  • New members are required to post an introduction in the currently active Introduce Yourself thread here within their first week in corp.

Member Levels

  • C1: 30 days in corp; other access to be determined
  • C2: 60 days in corp; other access to be determined

Level upgrades are awarded by request based on assessments of regular activity in-game, in Alliance chat, and in subreddit as well as time-in-corp requirements.

For purposes of risk mitigation and administrative simplification, our corp and alliance organizational strategy offers no routine path to any further access to corp assets, Directorships, or other leadership roles.


  • Tax rate to be determined if applicable.
  • Kills (not losses) must be reported to Stray within 48 hours of their occurrence.
  • We take a Two-Strikes-and-Out approach to Credo and policy violations or failure to respond to official inquiries or policy-compliance requests as directed. Strikes are imposed at leadership’s discretion, typically 1 per violation or compliance failure. If you receive 2 strikes, you will be removed from the corp. If removed for strikes, you will not be permitted to rejoin. This is approach is designed to preserve our corp culture and honor/serve the interests of members who do comply with both the Credo and corp policy.