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Astronomical Expeditionary Society / 1AES

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Scouting

The Astronomical Expeditionary Society for the advancement of astronomical sciences and exploration of fringe space.


The First Astronomical Expeditionary Society (1AES), in its modern form, was incorporated in 2945. However, its mission statement hearkens back to the exploratory societies that constituted the pillars of early human exploration. 1AES’s community of independent explorers and scouts that comprise its membership can trace their exploratory spirit back to the dawn of human history when the distant horizon was measured in kilometers of dusty road or leagues of ocean waves. Headquartered on Rhetor, AES maintains close ties with the prestigious universities that appreciate and often fund its exploration missions. Known for its extended expeditions aboard the good ship Base Camp, a 2947 Anvil Carrack, 1AES pushes the boundaries of human space exploration, setting that distant horizon a little further with each mission.


Without the drive to explore the unknown, new knowledge remains hidden in darkness.


Society Charter
As a learned society of the 30th century, AES is dedicated to the survey, mapping, and exploration of space. All members of AES are considered fellows of the society with rights, privileges, and expectations of fellowship.

The AES is governed by the Society Council comprised of the Society President & Founder, Expedition Commander, Quartermaster, and Chief Archivist. All society fellows are admonished to respect the seniority of the Society Council. Actions or rhetoric contrary to the Society’s charter or in opposition to the Council’s directives may result in private admonishment or garnishing of fellowship privileges. Extreme cases may result in loss of fellowship.

Fellowship in AES includes the following rights and privilages:
  1. Right to use the 1AES membership designation.
  2. Right to access the Society’s headquarters and dining facilities in Rhetor System.
  3. Right to petition the Society Quartermaster or President for temporary use of the Society exploration and scout ships and equipment.
  4. Right to sell survey, cartographic, or other information to the Society at a prioritized rate.
  5. Right to request participation in extended Society Expeditions.

There are two paths of advancement available to Society fellows, the Expedition & Fieldwork Committee and the Scout Corps.

Expedition & Fieldwork Committee
Advancement in the AES’s EFC is based on time and contribution to the Society’s corpus of knowledge and expedition experience. Ranks for EFC include: Surveyor, Cartographer, and Master Explorer. Typically, the EFC is a non-combat role dedicated to exploring and mapping known or unknown space.

Scout Corps.
Advancement in the AES’s Scouts is based on time and contribution to the Society’s scouting, supply, and escort missions. Ranks for the Scouts include: Expedition Hand, Expedition Scout, and Expedition Guide. Typically, the Scouts are a combat ready defense force that will provide escort for surveyors, cartographers, and expedition forces.

*Charter Note: “Fellowship” denotes a gender neutral membership in AES. AES is an equal opportunity organization.