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The Crusader Cartel / 1J4Y

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  • Freelancing
  • Security

J&B Repair and Security A company catering to the assistance of other organizations looking for repair, logistical and security services. We offer vessel and crew packages to meet your deadlines or assist in your next not so friendly engagement. “J&B, The leader in assistance services!”


Our founders Mr. Jack and Mr. Bill created J&B Repair and Security in 2934. They set out to create a company that truly cares for its workers as well as its senior staff. Every individual employee is treated with respect and dignity, just like they treated each other as the first and only two employees of J&B. J&B Repair and Security remains a small company to this day but as time goes on Mr. Jack and Mr. Bill look to expand the company slowly with open minds to accept new employees to receive full benefits for their participation in the company. As the company grows so will the benefits of the employees and senior staff. On the horizon J&B look to become an employer with benefits for every employee such as monthly personal ship insurance stipends, holiday paid time off and paid personal exploration leave applications. Here at J&B we look to hold every employee as personal friends, not as workers. We look forward to making a brighter, more comfortable and enjoyable life with all of our prospective employees. -J&B


J&B Repair and Security is a company focused on assisting citizens and organizations with repair, logistical and security services. We offer vessels and crew packages for our clients to cater to their personal goals. We stand proudly with our moral obligation to get the job done and get the job done right. We also offer consultation to our clients for the best possible outcome for their goals and business plans. “Your success is our success.” Contact us today and see what morality and grit can do for you!


Our Pledge to Our Clients

We pledge to provide the best possible service, to the best of our ability to you or your organization. We pledge to be honest in our dealings and fair on our compensation requests. We pledge to be kind to all that approach us for consultation, business and social interaction and unkind to those we are contractually obligated to be. To this you have our solemn word.

Our Pledge to Our Employees

We pledge to provide for all of our employees the following: A pleasant working environment without discrimination based on sex or sexual orientation, race, species, religious beliefs, or disability of any kind. A flexible schedule to meet your needs. Honest and timely compensation for your hard work and appreciation at the end of your shift for what you provided for yourself firstly and for the company secondly. Room for promotion based on work ethic, personal and business like conduct in the field and on duty, as well as, promotion of the company manifesto and length of employment. A progressive benefits package that expands as the company expands so that all may prosper.

This is our pledge to all of our valued and respected employees, to this you have our solemn word.