Prise de Fer / 1PDF9

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Welcome to Prise de Fer!


Prise de Fer is a Lawful Neutral PvP Corps operating in both Stanton and Pyro. The Corps is based out of Castra, and regularly sorte’s out from Sherman to fulfill contracts to clients, and engage its enemies.


Prise de Fer (PDF) started as a protection service for exploration ships as they search for jump points in newly colonized systems. Over the centuries, PDF has expanded to fit a variety of roles ranging from mercenary reconnaissance to simple escort missions. Prise de Fer today is a relatively small, but effective, mercenary corps, boasting multiple branches that serve the various needs of the corps. PDF members, many of whom are veterans of the UEE Military, serve the corps as a continuation of their service to humanity. The corps often works in partnership with UEE military and civilian branches of governance to advance the mission of mankind.

Prise de Fer’s corporation headquarters are located on ArcCorp in the Stanton system. The corps has several small outposts in nearby systems used for training, manufacturing, and even trade.


Prise de Fer serves as the sword of man’s venture into the stars.

PDF abides by the laws of the UEE and works to advance the cause of humankind in an uncertain time. The corps will strive to be as self sufficient as possible, while endeavoring to meet the challenges that confront the empire.


Our Rules are simple: Each member of PDF will treat each other with the respect they would wish to be shown. Racism, bigotry, and malicious behavior has no place in our group.

Members must join our discord server for updates and communication.