Intergalactic Revenue Service [IRS] / 1RS

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The IRS [Intergalactic Revenue Service] in Star Citizen enforces tax laws and fees for economic development. Compliance is encouraged through legal means, and somewhat less legal action is taken when needed. Work with us to promote a thriving economy

-Fair share taken, galaxy strengthened


The Intergalactic Revenue Service (IRS) was established in the early years of human expansion into the stars, approximately around the 26th century in the Star Citizen universe. For many years, the IRS operated as a reputable organization, ensuring fair and efficient allocation of funds.

However, as the centuries passed, the organization’s members became corrupted by greed, and the government was forced to dissolve the IRS and replace it with a new organization that was better suited to the challenges of a rapidly expanding and complex financial system. This dissolution occurred in the early 28th century.

However, the former members of the IRS were not willing to give up their lucrative positions without a fight. They banded together, using their considerable wealth and influence to establish a secret society that operated outside the law. This organization kept the IRS name and continued to collect taxes and enforce financial regulations, but all the money went directly to its members, rather than to the government unbeknownst to the people.

This caught the ire of the UEE who, in the late 29th century launched a multipronged, full force attack on the IRS. They destroyed everything they owned and killed many of their members while detaining the rest. One of them, however, survived and its said that he is out there rebuilding the IRS to strike fear into those who hear its name.

We are definitely a real tax organization though! Completely legal!


T**oward a Better Galaxy: **A Manifesto of the Intergalactic Revenue Service
**K**eeping the financial system stable and secure is critical for the growth and progress of all civilizations, and we pledge to promote stability and resilience, no matter the challenges we face. **E**ducating the public about our work and dispelling misconceptions is essential in building trust and confidence in the financial system.

**T**he importance of our mission never ends. **H**owever, we also acknowledge that some individuals will use their wealth to undermine the financial system and harm society. **E**specially, we will take action to identify and address illegal financial practices, seizing their ill-gotten gains and ensuring they do not continue to exploit the system for their own benefit. **I**n the end we are a force of good. **R**emember, the galaxy belongs to all, and we will do our part to ensure that financial justice prevails.

**M**embers **O**f **N**etwork for **E**conomic **Y**ield


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