1st Terran Rangers - Fleet Branch / 1TR

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Exploration


Established on Earth in the year 2012 AD. The served as the Elite Space force tasked with the protection and peacekeeping of Earth. When the UEE was established the pledged to continue their role beyond the reaches of SOL. Since then they have time and again proven their right to call themselves the elite forces of Earth.


TR is love TR is life.


1st Terran Rangers Code of Conduct

As a member of the 1st Terran Rangers (referred to herein as “1TR”), you agree to adhere to the following Code of Conduct. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, ranging from simple mediation to expulsion from the outfit with no guarantee of re-admittance.


1. We will not discriminate against any person due to race, religion, creed, sexual orientation and identity, nationality, or political stance. All members of 1TR agree to respect one another and can “agree to disagree” when personal viewpoints on social, religious, or political (or any otherwise “hot issue”) topics oppose one another. 2. We believe in mutual respect for all people based on character; not where they’re from, who they love, what they stand for, or the color of their skin. Prejudice is not tolerated. 3. We believe in being mature and respectful members of the Star Citizen community. Harassment or griefing of other players and trolling will not be tolerated. 4. Using 3rd party programs, hacks, or cheats to alter gameplay is immediate grounds for termination from the outfit. Cheaters are scum and destroy our beloved community. You will be discarded and reported. 5. There shall be no friendly fire or intentional damage done to members of the organization. We are to conduct ourselves as a mature, professional outfit. In other words, if some angry 13 year old on our side shoots you because he’s an angry 13 year old, don’t stoop to his level. Instead we ask that these people are reported. The keyword here is intentional. We realize that events like this may happen, but try not to let them happen too often. 6. Outfit Leaders have the final say in policies regarding the outfit. From kicking or banning people on Teamspeak to denying an application, these people are the “top brass” of the outfit and are dedicated to its order. To check and balance this group, Admins within the unit will also have a say on policy and tactical changes, representing their squads and platoons on their behalf. We try to make sure everyone’s opinion is heard, but we must make sure we remain on task and relevant, ensuring the order of the outfit in the process. 7. The age of membership shall be 16 years of age. Those younger than this (such as a son, younger brother, or cousin) must be vouched for by an upstanding member of the outfit, however if they are not a good fit for the unit, their membership may be terminated with proper notice. 8. There shall be no open discussions about hot topic issues on 1TR servers, forums, and other official 1TR media. If you truly wish to discuss these things, do so on your own time, through other channels in a respectful manner. 9. Members will respect the chain of command and utilize it to its fullest extent. As adults (or at least, mature human beings), we will handle complaints as best we can, respecting one another while critiquing mistakes. 10. If you have a problem with a leader, approach them privately first. If nothing is resolved then approach the other Outfit leaders with the issue so it may be resolved in a mature manner. 11. If you have a problem with another ranger, first discuss it with them in private and if the issue is not resolved, an Outfit Leader (or any other Admin) will mediate the issue. 12. All disciplinary actions will be dealt with through Outfit Leaders, individuals who will act as moderators to ensure the Code of Conduct is upheld.


1. Free time is time for members to decide what they want to do. It is also the time when we all get to learn about our fellow Rangers. Random tasks and fun events are encouraged! 2. Anytime members are logged in, they are representing 1TR and will follow the code of conduct. Misrepresenting 1TR during free play will result in disciplinary action. 3. It is STRONGLY encouraged for you to play with other 1TR and to join in communication on Teamspeak, but is not required. 4. Voice communication is open to general chat and random topics unless it is commanded otherwise.


1. Closed events are planned and structured outfit only activities. Non-outfit players may only join if the Leader allows. 2. Outfit Leaders will take the command. 3. Orders are to be followed and chain of command respected. When Leaders ask you to do something, you do it. 4. Communication on Teamspeak is required. If we find that you are not in vent without a reason (connection issues, lag, etc) then you may be removed from the event. Teamspeak is a free program, and as such there is no excuse for not using it. 5. Voice communication is closed within the appropriate channels to tactical communication, intel, logistics, and orders. Keep irrelevant talk to a minimum! If this becomes an issue, you will be asked to keep communication down or be muted in vent. 6. Insubordination is not to be tolerated and is grounds for disciplinary actions. 7. Wait for orders. Do not spawn vehicles, fire weapons, take random hikes unless instructed to do so. PATIENCE is key. WAIT, LISTEN, and BE READY TO GO TO WAR.

By applying for and later accepting membership, you agree to adhere to the 1TR Code of Conduct. There shall be a field on all applications asking if the Code of Conduct has been read and understood. By signifying yes, you enter an agreement with us that you will follow these guidelines. If you don’t agree, don’t consent.