Special Space Service / 22SSS

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Infiltration

Qui Audet Adipiscitur: Who Dares Wins
The Special Space Service is a special forces Private Military Company. The unit undertakes a number of roles: covert reconnaissance, counter-terrorism, direct action & hostage rescue.




Who are the 22SSS?

Much of the information and actions regarding the 22SSS is highly classified and is not commented on by the UEE or the Ministry of Defence due to the sensitivity of their operations.
The Special Space Service traces its origins to 2544 during Operation Nemesis and the Battle of Idris IV. It was reformed as its own branch of military in 2948, named the 22nd Special Space Service.

Your role within the company

Even though the 22SSS is primarily a military company, members are free to pursue other avenues of income. Successful members equates to a successful company!

We’re currently looking to recruit some active players to join us ranging from marines, pilots and fighter pilots. If you’re interested in joining a smaller but friendly organisation please leave an application and one of the Commanders will pick it up.

Further information to be added


Career opportunities

During your affiliation with the 22nd Special Space Service you will be able to earn influence by working towards the goals and ideals of the Company. These Influence points will put you into the position to command capital ships or take control of management positions inside the Company. We strongly believe that your efforts should be rewarded.


Enlisting as a marine will put you on the frontline of our operations. These may vary from boarding parties, search & rescue operations, defense forces and offensive operations.


Enlisting as a pilot will grant you the opportunity to fly the company banner into combat. Whether it small light fighters, bombers and capital ships. We’re always looking for the best pilots in the verse to join us.

Recruitment Officer

By recruiting new members to the 22nd Special Space Service or creating sub divisions with your own staff, you enhance our capabilities and influence in the universe.

Industrial Squadron

If combat is not your strong point. Traders, miners and explorers are more than welcome. With the back up of a strong military focused organisation, you will be able to trade, mine and explore with piece of mind.

High Command

Those members with the most points (influence) will be put in charge of Company’s operations and manage our assets, divisions or capital ships. By earning yourself and the 22nd Special Space Service credits you enable us to buy new ships for recently promoted members or new assets for our numerous operations. This system grants our members the utmost autonomy and flexibility in their operations.


If you would like to explore the realm of negotiation and diplomacy, the 22nd Special Space Service can offer you unique career opportunities.

Sign up now!


Rules of Conduct

Please take the time to familiarise yourself with our Organisation’s rules.

The following behaviour will not be tolerated:

- Cheating or using exploits.
- Excessive language.
- Racism, sexism, ageism or other derogatory behaviour.
- Piracy and other offensive behaviour that will negatively impact the name of the Special Space Service.


- Keep any Special Space Service channels free of Grey Market conversations, take it to the appropriate servers and forums.
- Treat all server members with respect, a disagreement or debate is acceptable, name-calling and insults are not.
- Respect other member’s personal info and privacy, Doxxing will result in a ban.