254th FCU Overlanders / 254TH

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

“ Humc astra viam vobie demonstro” – “The Stars will show you the way”




Firstly, you can find our main forum here!: http://254thfcu.net/forums/

The story of the 254th Overlanders came from the mind of one of our very own as a book in the making, of which a short description of the 254th can be found below. We are hoping to bring the story of the book to life as a full fledged Star Citizen Realism Unit in the ‘verse of Star Citizen. The 25th Overlanders is a Military organization, capable of both tactical, and strategic operations across a wide range of military contexts. We are fully capable of combat support, logistical support, and are even fully self sustainable in combat.

Established in the year 2915, the 254th Overlanders were created to fight for true moral value and standards instead of having that be decided for them by a group of politicians. Additionally, they where created to serve and protect those that agree with their idea of justice and to protect their own assets. The 254th stood on a firm foundation of their beliefs until a power struggle started between brothers which ended up costing more than just the reputation on the 254th but also many men’s lives. This effectively destroyed the, once well thought of image, of the 254th until the son of one brothers and an group of his closest comrades over threw the feud and re-instituted the original base of the 254th and vowing to bring its good name back from the ashes. This lead to a re-evaluation of the original command structure and bylaws. After many months of research and debating, it was determined to use a concept of old earth military, specifically the United States Navy, structuring to achieve better quality of life for those who would join the ranks later on. This also meant that instead of rebuilding the now destroyed main base of the original 254th Overlanders, the son and his comrades decided to convert the 254th Overlanders into the 254th Fleet Combat Unit and would travel from place to place as a Fleet of ships, much like how the US Navy did for deployments. The journey will be a long one but “The Stars will Show us The Way.”

Your experience here in the 254th Overlanders


Welcome to the 254th Overlanders Main Forum! We are excited that you have found us and have clicked here to learn more about who we are and how we operate.  We are a Modern Mil-sim Realism Unit with a kick 29th Century Star Citizen sci-fi. We strive to achieve a fair and unbiased system that promotes team work; A system the keeps track of the time and effort you put in, and rewards you accordingly. Achieve epic goals while working with others that will undoubtedly become close friends in an organization that you can build a reputation in, build an immersive experience in, and ultimately feel like you are actually learning real life skills from. It is our hope that by being a part of the 254th Overlanders, you will not only walk away with an awesome experience, but you will also walk away feeling like you’ve become a better person in, character and in your leadership abilities and skills. We are a community of close knit gamers built with an infrastructure to withstand substantial growth and provide tons of experiences in star citizen that you would otherwise miss out on in most other organizations. We will explain why we claim this and how we plan to achieve this claim below, as we go. We hope to achieve a growth in our unit that will provide you with the ability to work alongside Pilots, Marines, Corpsman, Crewman, Engineers and many other roles every day you step aboard an Overlander spacecraft or establishment. We plan to achieve a structure where you feel like you are a part of a force to be reckoned with. A place where you are proud to be called, an Overlander.

How our policy is structured

We have structured our unit through countless hours of voting and thinking, kicking around ideas and voting again. We have come up with, what we feel is the best way to run this unit through tried and true methods, and a policy driven chain of command. A policy is a way that we would typically handle a particular aspect of the unit and its functions. Policies are decided by The Commanding Officers of the FCE, GCE, and CSE as well as the members of FCU HQ. That’s a total of 9 members of “Command Staff”. With this, we understand that our “Command Staff” ideas on how to handle a multitude of different situations, will never result in us achieving a perfect system. We also understand that others from different areas of the unit, Pvt and up, may have input that could help us over all. With this in mind, we have set aside a place within our forums for ANY member of the unit, to submit an idea for review to change these policies for the better. In this form, we may always have the best system that we can achieve to accommodate our members. 

CO Leadership Experience

The experience and skills that we have within the unit, as it stands, comes from years of leadership experiences obtained in our time in the famed 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (15th MEU) for ARMA III.  We also have real life military veterans within our ranks helping us achieve a level of attention to detail that we could not have achieved otherwise.  While we are a realism unit, under no circumstance will we ever sacrifice fun, team work, and good solid community gaming. Our commanding officers are not here to be power mongers or scream at you like what would be done in the real military, to that extent we understand that this is only a game. However, with that said we do not expect any of our members to disrespect or disobey an instruction from their respective CO’s. If this is done, in order to maintain our unit’s integrity, there are policies in place to mitigate non-cooperation.

Member Activity

Aside from that, once you have completed the required training for whatever billet you have chosen to uphold with the unit, you will most likely find that being a member is rather more relaxed then you might have thought. Although you will have training’s that you are expected to attend, they are in no means mandatory for you to maintain your position within the unit. It simply means that an excessive amount of inactivity with our ranks may merit you a move to our reserve platoon until such a time as you are available enough to uphold your roles again within the unit. This means that if at any point you are burnt out or too busy with life obligations you can opt to move to reserves where you can maintain your status within our ranks and regain your active status without losing any progress you had made before you went to reserves. Actually, while in reserves you STILL gain percentage toward your next rank but at 1/3 the regular pace. In short, you won’t lose progress for having real life issues to attend to or wanting to take a break for our community for a while. Additionally, we reward those who are active, but also do not entirely penalize those who are in reserves.

It doesn’t have to always be about the Star Citizen!

Don’t wanna play Star Citizen all the time? That’s completely fine! Play any game you want with your new friends, use our Teamspeak to hang out in and mess around in different games. We only need you to be active when you can be. To clarify, if we have an operation to complete, a contract to fill, an engagement to contest or if you have a training to do and you are available, we do expect you to attend. However, if you are on and there is nothing spectacular currently going on, feel free to do as you please!

How to get started

Steps to Success:
1. Find a billet that suits you.
2. Submit an application.       (You may talk to a Recruiter on Teamspeak or a member on this forum and we’ll help you apply)
3. Enroll in Recruit Training.
4. Enter our Infantry Academy.
5. Be assigned a billet.


(To Be Continued)


Mission Statement:
The 254th Outlanders strive to provide professionalism and efficiency when in combat, onboard and off. We are a Realism unit that will fight for what we believe is just, but will never fight for and monetary value that contradicts our moral values.

The structure of the 254th Outlanders is very similar if no the same to your modern real life Marine Corp. Climbing the ranks will be done off of a system of seniority, coupled will a billet system to determine leadership over a given section. This means that even though you can climb the rank later based off of seniority, your seniority does not dictate whether you get a billet of leadership.

Leadership will be chosen base off of experience, time and effort put in, and how you have manged and carried yourself through your career. It is possible for a higher ranked individual to be placed under the leadership of a lower ranked individual, but only to a limited extent. and example is a Sgt under a Cpl, or a Cpl under a PFC in terms of Marine ranks, but it will not stray to far from that.

The command structure of the 254th is run by a team, or a command staff if you will, which makes policy decisions together. No one person has a complete say over any section or person in terms of unit wide decisions. Decisions will always be made by a group of people so as not to have a dictatorship.

The entire organization will split between a Logistics Department with it’s respective subsections, a Combat Department with it’s respective subsections, and a Command Staff .

If you are looking to join use, please head over to http://254th.site.nfoservers.com/forums/ and fill out an application!


The 254th Charter

1. The 254th is first and foremost a Military Contractor. However, all precautions must be taken by members of the 254th to prevent loss of innocent life and to limit liability.

2. The 254th is not a mercenary group, highest bidding contracts do not guarantee acceptance. Certain ethical and moral requirements must be met.

3. All 254th members must follow the the 254th moral code at all times and present themselves accordingly.

4. All 254th members will follow instructions laid out by the the 254th Chain of Command and Command Staff.

5. It is against company policy to deviate from established SOP. The company does not reimburse any losses incurred while ‘Trying to be a hero’.

6. No 254th member may represent the 254th while on an unauthorized mission, this does not mean you can not claim to be a part of the 254th, but it does mean that you can not attempt to enforce something in the name of the 254th that Command Staff has not approved. Missions carried out while outside the backing of the 254th are carried out at the personal risk of the participant.

7. The 254th does not condone personal rivalries; however, friendly competition is allowed.

8. The 254th is a meritocracy. All members are equal and have an equal stake in the profits of the company. Rank is earned on skill, personal merit, and seniority. There is no favoritism.

9. The 254th will provide equipment for use in official activities at the discretion of the board of directors. All unofficial activities are at the user’s own risk and not subject to reimbursement by the company.

10. All 254th members are responsible for attending two scheduled working sessions per month.

11. All 254th members will represent themselves in the highest professional standard.

12. All 254th members must be a minimum of 17 years of age.

13. Racist, sexist, or other discriminatory remarks and actions are not tolerated.

All 254th members must acknowledge these rules, and are subject to discipline upon joining.

If you are looking to join use, please head over to http://254th.site.nfoservers.com/forums/ and fill out an application!