501st Legion (OFFICIAL) / 501STL

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

This is the official star citizen organization for the 501st Arma 3 Community. We welcome anyone who is a fan of star wars or wishes to be part of a group organized around the Grand Army of the Republic. Mainly the 501st Legion of the Republic.


The 501st Legion, also known as the 501st Battalion, and later known as “Vader’s Fist,” was an elite military division of the Grand Army of the Republic.


Since our light-speed shift and being split from the fleet around 19 BBY Our objectives have changed as of that. They are listed and will change from time to time be sure to check. (

Our Goals

Current objective is to defend the Republic from all threats in our galaxy and future systems.

  • Objectives
    1. Secure and hold the sector
    2. Find and construct a new homebase
    3. Recruit and Resupply
    4. Gather Resources
    5. Research and Development of weapons and technology

(UPDATED , 08/15/2017)- Clone Medic BodyBagFilla



1.) Do not harass, threaten, bully, embarrass, or do anything else to another player that is unwanted, such as making personal attacks or statements about race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated. This also includes being drunk. Being drunk in teamspeak will not be tolerated.

2.) To join the Fun OPs you must have the “Friend of 501st” tag in teamspeak. Simply hop on the server and play! You’ll be recommended by one of our players!

3.) If you are AFK, please make use of the AFK channel. If you remain AFK in a channel, you may be moved to the AFK channel, or kicked.

4.) Do not post a message for any purpose other than personal communication. Prohibited messages include advertising, spam, chain letters, and other types of solicitation or commercial activities.

5.) Do not impersonate another person/bot or falsely imply you’re someone you are not. Offenders will be kick, and or banned, But your name will be in the correct format at all times, there is no excuse not to.

6.) No voice changers. You will receive a kick/verbal warning, then a ban for 3 days if continued.

7.) No inappropriate names. You will be kicked to change your name. If you refuse to change your name, you will be banned for 3 days.

8.) Unit disrespect, donor bashing, and server bashing is not tolerated. You will either receive a verbal warning or a kick warning. If you continue, you will be perma banned.

9.) Don’t be obnoxious or harass players/unit members. If you display an enormous amount of immaturity to specifically annoy players/unit members, you will be verbally warned, kicked, and then perma banned. This includes verbal comments or links to pictures etc meant to harrass. Please show your fellow unit members, or guests respect while on our TS3 Server.

10.) Failure to follow instructions. When a CC, CS-M, CS, and or CP requests that you stop doing something specific or even asks you to do something specific, please follow their instructions and give them the respect they deserve. Continued actions or lack of action will be treated as staff disrespect and could result in a kick, mute or perma ban depending on the severity.

11.) No mic spam/yelling. This is obnoxious and rude and will result in a kick, or ban.

12.) Advertising is not tolerated! This is a permanent ban that will carry to forums and in-game.

13.) Unit impersonation is an instant permanent ban. To avoid being banned on accident, do not log in with CR/CR-C/CP/CS/CS-M/CX-C/CX/CC in any part of your name if you are not apart of the unit, or another Star Wars unit.


1.) Your name will be in the correct format at all times, there is no excuse not to.

2.) You will conduct yourself in a manner of a becoming member.

3.) You will listen to those appointed over you, if you do not follows these rules, if deemed ethical you will removed from the server.

4.) Do not spam, yell, or cause any unnecessary disturbances or you will be removed from the server.

5.) If you are deemed unfit to be on the server, you will be removed and with a possible kick, and or ban from the teamspeak.

6.) If you’re in game impaired in any way you will be asked to leave. If you do not comply, you will be kicked from the server.