Rifles and Rezzes / 5ALT

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O.G. Medics from 2009

Rifles and Rezzes [Salt]

Ever since they conquered the frontlines on their homeworld of Auraxis in the Luminaire system, Rifles and Rezzes has been searching for something greater. Something that would bring notoriety to their name. So they headed to the stars.


Rifles and Rezzes is an elite group of Soldiers from a small moon known as Auraxis, orbiting the planet Doramir in the Luminaire System. Originally affiliated with the Terran Republic from Earth in the Sol system, they grew tired of answering to the ranks and sought something bigger, something, that would push them to their full potential. So after many-a-farm and conquering the timelessly fluctuating frontlines of Auraxis, they decided to head for the stars and make a name for themselves across the Universe!


Ever since our conception, Rifles and Rezzes has striven to always be quick on our feet, and cohesively operate as a tight-nit group. Trusting each other in every situation. Our goals have never wavered, we do what we see fit to get the job done, even if it means blowing up a few space stations and crashing a capital ship into an asteroid field. [Don’t Ask] Failure is a last ditch effort in our books.

