5th Joint Space Expeditionary Forces / 5SS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing


Et Lux In Tenebri

We are a group of misfits specializing primarily in organized exploration, but we also dabble in everything the ‘verse has to offer!




An retired military man and explorer known only as SARGE — his actual name long forgotten in war — founded the 5TH SPECIALIZED SPACE OPERATIONS GROUP [EXPEDITIONARY] (5TH SSOG [E]) in Feb 2945 AD. The 5th SSOG [E] (pronounced “SOHG-EE”) was once a Volunteer Special Operations Militia Group; a small division operating under a privatized civilian clan based out of Terra, known as LOS OCHO DOS [L.O.D.], under the UEE Militia Mobilization Initiative (MMI).

This once militaristic division, no longer under the watchful eye of the UEE, is now an organization dedicated primarily to interplanetary freelance work and exploration, but have a hand in just about everything the ‘verse has to offer. The men and women of the FIFTH set out to discover new frontiers and recover ancient artifacts, putting their old, die-hard recon skill to use for the expansion and well-being of all mankind (and nerds alike— we are friendly beings, no prejudices here).

– We seek to make enough profit to sustain the organization’s growth and expansion efforts, all the while keeping the greedy hands of the corporations (which will remain nameless) at bay to provide an excellent quality of living (gaming) for all that work, sleep, eat, and eat the FIFTH!


Now is the time of our fleet’s assembly, and we are recruiting promising pilots to 5th SSOG [E]! We don’t aim to be the biggest organization, but to form a close-knit community of some of the best explorers, bounty hunters and traders in the ‘verse (with maybe a few less legitimate adventures — fuel ain’t cheap you know /wink/). This organization allows you to be anything that you want to be, and enables you to be so much more. Questionable characters welcome!

We are affiliated with some well-renowned organizations out in the ‘verse, including but not limited to close ties with The Commission / THE COMMISH, fair trades support with the XPLOR / XPLOR*, and we are even in good standings with the The biggest smuggling/pirate Organization: The *Test Squadron — Best Squadron! / TEST. Some alliances were broken due to their activities in piracy, bullying, and griefing. We are looking to make new alliances…in 2951, MAY during the Invictus week celebrations around the Stanton system The 5TH SSOG[E] we signed into the Galactic Union. An official collective of Organizations CO-OP in the verse.

If you don’t yet have a game package, but are thinking about jumping into the wonderful world of Star Citizen; the time is now! Here is a referral code to get you started with 5,000 in-game credits: STAR-DLNC-TS2S or contact any of our members and ask them for their code to access the bonus of 5k credits worth 5 US Dollars.

There is plenty more content to come; and you can join the 5th SSOG [E] movement to be a part of it.


DATE: Pre-L-2021.05.26-SC:
MAY 2951 // The FIFTH announces that they are joining the Galactic Union. Expanding operations and securing a future in the verse as the 5TH SSOG expand from system to system.

DATE: Pre-L-2021.01.01-SC:
JAN 2951 // Galactic-Prince, achieved the rank of General within the Specialized Expeditionary Forces Command (SEFCOM). He is the Commanding Officer of SEFCOM and highest rank member of the FIFTH.

DATE: Pre-L-2020.11.21-SC:
NOV 2950 // The long contest for the Organization’s Patch/logo ends with the SARGE5th announcing the final design for the FIFTH.
Currently there is MERCH available with the patch design. HOODDIES and TRUCKER HATS. The Patch was processed and made official as the Organization’s official Logo on 03 December 2950 (year 2020 in Pre-game launch). The slogan was also made during this time for each of the Commands within the org. as well as the main slogan for the ORG itself: *“Et Lux In Tenebris Vacui!” *

DATE: Pre-L-2019.06.11-SC:
JUN 2949 // A new member joins the Organization. This member will proof years later to be a valuable member of the SEFCOM. Galactic-Prince, formerly known as Persian.Prince, had humble beginnings as a mercenary before joining the Fifth. With a bit of combat training and well received leadership training Prince started to climb the ranks within the SEFCOM quickly!

DATE: Pre-L-2017.06.11-SC:
JUN 2947 // The Command of the FIFTH would like to remind all members that you are welcome to join us in all sorts of silliness and shenanigans in the org chat Discord Channel. Feel free to use the Voice Channels for other games that you may take part of as well.

DATE: Pre-L-2016.10.15-SC:
OCT 2946 // After the announcement of a new Corvette class ship being built, the Polaris, SARGE, NANUK and RYU invested a large sum of credits to purchase this ship and dedicate it as the 5th’s first flagship. Date of christening and naming TBA.

DATE: Pre-L-2016.09.29-SC:
SEP 2946 // The FIFTH is holding its first contest! Even though I really like the Rangers Patch Logo as the icon that people see when they think of the *FIFTH*… we need our own logo. And with logos, come slogans. So, for this contest THE BEST LOGO AND SLOGAN WILL WIN! Oh, did I mention the winner gets A FREE SHIP? If you are not a member of the Star Citizen movement, you will receive a Mustang Alpha package to get you in to the game. If you are already a backer, you get the Mustang Beta ship. This contest starts right… now! When will it start officially? When more members join, so go out and recruit! When will it end? When more members join; so once again, go recruit! But maybe in January 2947 or Dec 25th… Muahahaha. I mean… HoHoHoHo. Silly earthling customs… Anyway, the rules are as follows:

  • If you like the design of the current logo… use it and mold it into something better.
  • Extra brownie points if you make multiple versions of your logo (e.g. an animated gif and a flat image)
  • Nothing racially or gender profiling. Let’s keep it neutral… men, women, and people of fluid gender are all welcomed. It’s the future, at the rate the world is going today, the level of equality would be much, much higher than it was in 2016; it’s 2946 people!
  • No unicorns or pink colors. SARGE prefers the black and silver look, but this is not a rule – it is a suggestion.
  • Must include the name of the org and a short, catchy, and to the point motto… Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Latin are all acceptable. (e.g. The 5th SSO[E], Always there when you need them! Although that seems a little too long… hehe)
  • Affiliates and members are welcome. You do not need an RSI account to enter contest but you need one to win it.

DATE: Pre-L-2016.02.13-SC:
FEB 2946 // A new member joins the 5th SSOG [E]. A mysterious bounty hunter with great tenacity and almost fearful love for his work. From what seemed like a black hole; this new member calling himself: MORTIS RIGGER answered SARGE’s call to join. Tho’ he wears a similar suit as SARGE, nothing is known of him other than what the poor bastards call him after the bounty is collected: THE RIP KING.

DATE: Pre-L-2016.02.03-SC:
FEB 2946 // COLE MERCER joined the 5th SSOG [E]. A fast pace pilot known for his very successful solo missions and exceptional piloting skills. MERCER, also known by his call sign: THE SOUL SURVIVOR, is a skilled operator that has earned his name by actions alone and not by words. MERCER is a dedicated bounty Hunter born in Vega – Helghen.

DATE: Pre-L-2016.02.02-SC:
FEB 2946 // The 5th SPECIAL SPACE OPERATIONS GROUP [EXPLORATION] turns one year old. The organization started a year ago, this very date. Thank you all for being part of the 5th SSOG [E]!

DATE: Pre-L-2015.10.19-SC:
OCT 2945 // SAEVIEX joined the 5th SSOG [E]. He is an operator known only by the code name Saeviex, and is a cunning pilot, not afraid to dive into danger when necessary. Driven and motivated by a turned and twisted past, he is a valuable ally to have by your side. Though at times he can be unpredictable, he will be there you when needed. Just don’t get in his way…

DATE: Pre-L-2015.03.05-SC:
MAR 2945 // PAUL GROH joined the 5th SSOG [E]. SARGE hired Paul, a young scholar from the Pilots for Hire Academy, to work for the 5th SSO[E], thus becoming the first official member of the org. A very loyal member, and a pencil pushing lieutenant, he goes by the call sign PTG-76.

DATE: Pre-Launch-2015.02.02-SC:
FEB 2945 // On the second cycle of the 2946th year on the third rock of the Sol System, locally known as February, SARGE founded the 5TH SPECIAL SPACE OPERATIONS [EXPLORATION] This was later renamed to the 5th SSOG [E].

We fully support our military, pilots, and para-military; active, reserve, or retired that honorably serve(d) their respective countries; and extend welcoming arms to all military personnel, as well as all (star) citizens!




Welcome to the raggedy edge. We can’t promise you a damn thing if you’re into power or Machiavelli, but propulsion we have, freight we can get, and fast money we make in spades. We’ll encourage it. We’ll facilitate it. Hell, we’ll even ride shotgun with you while you do it— and for a motley pack of screwballs like us, that’s everything.

It’s actually rather simple.

The UEE is not the enemy (I hope not— they have big guns…) and we’re not hostile to them— please don’t start anything we ain’t gonna be able to help you win. We’re not politically minded and we’re not here to take anybody down. When the UEE swings their shinny big hammer, we make a habit of being anywhere but in front it— or anywhere near it for that matter.

We welcome a bit of role play, we know it ain’t for everyone, and some of us may not be into it, but you’re welcome to it if it’s your mug of ale. Hell, some of us might even join you from time to time. We’re casual, laid-back. Gone for a month or two? Maybe more? You’ll still be a member when you return to us.

We might not act or fly legally all the time, Lets us never forget that sometimes LEGALLY isn’t always the wing-man of MORALLY. Our work might be questionable, but we don’t harm innocents. We don’t make life harder for those who deserve better. Lastly, and very important: We take care of each other! That’s it. We aren’t going to tell you how to play your game or when to play or how much. You’re not required to show up for anything or meet a quota, but it is highly encouraged in this Org. There are Leader’s council held occasionally (for promotions), no home world—yet, no great endeavor that we’re bound to pursue and support for a parent Organization. The leadership is here when you need us, not the other way around. Concerns are raised, votes called, and decisions made as a group! You’ll have your chance to put one hand on the wheel with the rest of us and steer the 5th Specialized Space Operations Group (Expeditionary) (5th SSOG [E]) where it ought to go.

Gone for a month or two? Maybe more? You’ll still be a member when you return to us. (just let us know: We conduct a PURGENING every JUNE 5th!)

Fleet Logistics

The contents of the 5th SSOG [E] hangar and what we bring to the table. Our hangar also has a Jukebox…

Ships dedicated to the Org

  • Polaris (5SS Legion)
  • Idris K
  • Constellation Aquilla
  • Constellation Taurus
  • Retaliators
  • Redeemer
  • Prospector
  • Orion
  • Caterpillar
  • Vanguard Warden
  • Gladius Valiant
  • Hornet Wildfire
  • Freelancer
  • Cutlass Black
  • Avenger Titan
  • 315P
  • Mustang Alpha
  • Aurora LN (Rocinante)

…and many, many more player ships which I’m sure the owners will be more than happy to share around.

Rank Structure

As discussed in our Charter, you will be evaluated through your actions. Your word carries your name. You name will carry a rank within the Org. You are the captain of your ship, and no one will take that from you. Within the Org however, there will be a structure of voice during gatherings, as detailed below. Affiliates can never attain the rank of Officers, but they may become SEF members if they prove themselves.

Below are but a handful of examples of the rank structure in the 5th SSOG [E]:

Earth, 21st Century, US Army equivalent: GENERAL

  • The highest officer rank in the org. “I AM THE HAM!” ~ SARGE

Earth, 21st Century, US Army equivalent: COLONEL [COL]

Earth 21st Century, US Army equivalent: MAJOR GENERAL [MG]

  • The Commander of the Specialized Expeditionary Forces Command [SEFCOM]. Only answering to the High Admiral. He/She commands all the SEF in the best interest of the Org. There can only be one.

Earth 21st Century, US Army equivalent: CAPTAIN

  • Lieutenants are Jr. Commanding Officers in the Organization’s space teams whom work directly under a Lieutenant Commander [LCD] (which are in charge of a Command/Branch. All Lieutenants (and the land forces equivalents, Captains, are equal in rank) (¹the LTS from the SEFCOM does not fall under the same Command structure). The Lieutenants are an intricate rank level, branching out into specializations, the most diverse, but rewarding rank in the Organization—responsible for different basic teams.
  • Once a Senior Ensign has mastered his section/position/station and shown leadership skills noting the ability to lead multiple teams on basic missions He/She is eligible for promotion. The following are the different branches and sub-branches that an LT would fall under (w/the exception of the Guardians their rank names are unique:
    1. LT¹ is responsible for the Tactical Operations(TO), the Intelligence Division (ID), or the Security Operations (SO) Command (TISCOM).
    2. A LT² is responsible for the Logistical Corp (LC), the Adjutant Corp (AC), or the Communications Division (CD) Command (LACCOM).
    3. The LT³ is in charge of the Medical Department (MD), Engineering Division (ED), or the Science Department (SD) Command, (MESCOM).
    4. The First Guardian (FGO) is an Officer Rank of the Guardian Forces Detachment (GFDET) in charge of a platoon.
    5. Last but not least, the LTˢ is the Team Commander of a Specialized Team (ST) within SEFCOM. Their tasks involve, but not limited to, search & rescue; Infiltration; sabotage; RECON; Bounty Hunting; and unconventional battle tactics. A LTS is in charge of 10 team members.

Earth, 21st Century, US Army equivalent: RECON/S/black Ops Mercenaries

  • Members of the SOT-E fall under smaller unit size elements. Under their own command of a General in the SEFCOM. Dangerous, Technical & Proficient Operators, Chief members of the Organization specialized & dedicated to special missions. These chiefs are Organization members working outside of the allowed perimeters to get a specific job/mission done. Silent Professionals. Solo artists at times. A member can progress from the FLTCOM to a SEFCOM…if they proof themselves.
  • Subcategories of what makes a complete SOT-E inside SEF are:
    1. SO-F (Security/Intel Tech Officer of the SOT-E);
    2. SO-E (Commo/System Hacking Specialist.)
    3. SO-D (Medic/Science Spec.);
    4. SO-C (DEMO/Eng. Spec.);
    5. SO-B (RECON/Heavy Weapons Spec.);
    6. SO-Z (Pilot/Navigation Spec. and Team Sergeant of the SOT-E)
    7. SO-A (The LTS of the SOT-E—the Commanding Officer on board)

Earth, 21st Century, US Army equivalent: CORPORAL (CPL)

  • The worker bees of the organization. The second rank you are when you join the Organization. Before you are a FIRST CLASS, you must have served as one of the three major crewman positions/stations listed below. The following are CREWMAN rank positions:
    1. INTEL-Crewman (INTEL-MAN) / SECURITY-Crewman (SEC-MAN) / TACTICAL-Crewman (TAC-MAN);

All ranks within the Org. are eligible for promotion in two ways: Field promotion (Command recognizes unrefutably potential for promotion) or board promotion (A member requests promotion and presents forward his proof/supporting accounts for consideration of a closed leadership board)



The five SSOG [E] core values (originally created by Clan L.O.D.) and our one simple unwritten law to each other are as follows.

It’s not hard to memorize…

SELFLESSNESS… Carry yourself with selfless actions
HONOR… Honor your word and your actions, finish the job, unless it messes with your moral compass, in that case… make sure it’s a moment to remember. We love a good show… pass the popcorn.
INTEGRITY… Do what is right morally, even when no one is watching (don’t forget that legally and morally are not always the same)
TRUST (Loyalty)… Trust in the integrity of your 5th SSOG [E] brethren and be loyal to the Org.

The acronym is, uh… never mind that for now. Just live free and strive to help others live free as well.

Just remember, No reward is worth your ship, no ship is worth your life!??

Our laws are simple.


Name your ship whatever you want…It’s yours! What we ask however, is for ships that are under the flag of The 5TH SSOG[E] will have an addition to that name you picked: “5SS” in front of that name (for example: The 5SS Destiny’s Hand). This request for your ship to carry this name is for Organized gameplay. Individual seat ships like Hornet’s, Prospectors, etc. do not fall under this name rule.


There’s no honor in threatening a man and his family out for a luxury cruise, no matter how many scarves you’re wearin’. You think piracy to be some democratic haven of ideals, where everyone drinks grog and has no time for quarellin’ because they’re too busy respectin’ each other? Pirates are murderers. Shakedown artists. If you see one flyin’, know that they’ve made good on threats against people who’re just like you. Those who haven’t were dusted by their own kind long before they’d be standin’ before you. Ain’t a damn person outside the Black Art who loves ‘em, and most of them hate each other. But, don’t get me wrong, sometimes… and I mean sometimes… the job calls for some under-the-table action. Do what your conscious allows you to do and we will do the same with you when the time presents it’s self.


Break this here rule and you’re goin’ to lose every friend you have. More ‘an a few of us have spent childhoods tryin’ to scrape away the inky, black scanner tag from an arm or a collarbone. You bring down the cuffs on somebody, you move “product”, as it’s called, and you’ll see how charitable your new slavin’ friends are when you outlive your worth.

Code of Conduct


Members of the 5th SSOG [E] aren’t required to help each other— IT would be nice, but it’s not mandatory. However, they are required to not steal from or betray one another. If you make a deal with a fellow 5th SSOG [E] and take on his raw material, don’t up the price when he returns for the finished goods. If another has found one hell of a derelict spaceship but needs to return with a bigger ship for the loot, don’t sell the location. Trust is what binds us. Every desperate person out there wants a piece of you and yours. We’ve got to know that if we’re doin’ business with a fellow 5th SSOG [E], you’ll do right by us. Anyone that doesn’t understand this will be cut off.

In other words, if that just doesn’t put the shine on your day then we’ll part, no feelings damaged, but if what I’m sayin’ perks up your ears then make it official and hoist a glass of porter, or fizzy water. We don’t judge, and we don’t do paperwork. We’ll fit you for your own pair of tight, leather explorer pants— pretty floral bonnet optional— and get you set up to head out into the black (tight leather pants optional).


What you choose to do on your ship is your business, as long as it satisfies our first three rules. We will not ask you what you did yesterday or last month. If someone comes looking for you, asking us what we know. We will send them on their way packing sand. You play you and I play me. We will not judge you for how you fly and who you chose to fly with, as long as you are comfortable justifying yourself to your fellow captains. However, judgement or not…if it’s not a fit for this Org…you continue to do you without being hindered…just not with our patch on your shoulder…


Don’t be a *B*lue *F*alcon (Buddy Fucker in military jargon). If what you do has harmful effects on the on the Organization, you may be sanctioned for it. Simple enough.


This goes hand-in-hand with “bring us no shame”. If you don’t get caught, it never happened.
Use your best judgment. Pick your battles.
You will however be evaluated, distinguished, and/or assessed by your actions, your reputation, and your contributions to the 5th SSOG [E].
Sanctions will be handled on a case-by-case basis with ‘punishment should fit the crime’ as the general rule of thumb. Observe the Charter’s three basic laws and try to avoid organizations that condone violating them. If you are a member that is border line, consider not smearing our name.


Don’t be an @$$H0L3!*

*In your darkest hour at the end of the verse,
When your demons come bringing their worse
Call on me or any FIFTH brother or sister,
And we will fight and conquer them together!*