Six Seagulls (六海鷗集團) (Hong Kong) / 6C9

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Transport

六海鷗集團SIX SEAGULLS致力於成為*利那星*球實力最雄厚的綜合安防服務提供商。我們的使命是因應各企業對保安服務的需求,度身訂造保安解決方案,協助客戶管理和減低營運風險。

*歡迎所有知道 “SIX SEAGULLS “是甚麼意思的人加入我們的大家庭。

  • Welcome to all people whose know what is “SIX SEAGULLS” meaning to join our family.





SIX SEAGULL is an experienced interstellar professional security team, to the top and most advanced security services, is committed to protecting the customer’s business and property.

Founded in 2016, SIX SEAGULL is led by a senior management team in the industry, covering cash management, criminal escorts and logistics services, tailoring corporate security solutions to valued customers.

With nearly one year of excellent operational success, SIX SEAGULL has been one of the most interstellar recognized and reliable security program experts. SIX SEAGULL has a professional Avenger fleet, suitable for different security needs.



決不食言、頭頭是道、長長久久。 (每句留下第三個字就是SIX SEAGULLS的內涵 )

Our declaration:

To be honest,To be polite, To be live long and prosper



六海鷗堅持以達到國際頂級服務質素為目標,憑着獲得ON991314、ISO520、DQ689、ASS HO 555、LMFAO 911及WTF69等管理證書,充分肯定我們一直在業務管理、環境、健康及安全層面,均達到星際頂級的水平。



Quality assurance

SIX SEAGULLS is committed to achieving world-class quality. Certified to ON991314, ISO520, DQ689, ASS HO 555, LMFAO 911 and WTF69, we have demonstrated our dedication to upholding the highest international standards of quality management, environmental management and health and safety.

Striving for continuous improvement in all aspects of our business, SIX SEAGULLS prioritizes a number of goals to protect our clients’ people and property.

Understanding that our people make all the difference, we hold our associates to the highest standards of integrity and professionalism, and constantly motivate our staff to enhance their professional knowledge, skills and efficiency.