Wild Frontier Company / 723

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Trading


“Infinite Verse” the Lazy 8 V Brand

Role Play is encouraged; but not required!


*Wild Frontier Company


The Wild Frontier Company was founded by Captain Woodrow F. Call and his partner Captain Augustus “Gus” McCrae. Captain Gus has been gone for a while hunting some desperatoes. The worst is feared for Captain Gus (or he may be holed up in some whorehouse playing cards).

Captain Woodrow F. Call works long and hard and sees no reason why others should not do the same. A former Texas Ranger who won a merit award from the Governor of Texas for “courage under fire”, he served with Captain Augustus “Gus” McCrae when both were young men. Call has utter disdain for lazy men who drink, gamble, and whore their lives away (except Gus). Call pushes himself and everyone else to the breaking point multiple times in the exploration of the Verse. Call prizes his ship named the “Hell Bitch”, above all other ships, even though she tries to throw, kick and maul him multiple times.
* Captain Woodrow F. Call is Old – Gray and Slow but no question the Ranger in charge!

Welcome to join the 8V Company – The Company is for the more Mature (over 21) game players. Players are welcome to have a drink on the range as long as they can stay in the saddle and do their job!

Head them into the unknown!

Pale Rider


The “Wild Frontier Company” was founded to go into space to see what is past the next star and settle the new Wild Frontier and claim it for mankind. The Company will operate under a loose set of rules and treat every member with respect. See the Charter of the Rule of the Frontier which ALL members agree to be held too. It is Wild place, which requires all to lookout for each other. Welcome to join if you can follow the rules.

1. Range Boss - Captain W F Call
2. Ranger Captain & Trail Boss - Open
3. Rangers & Explorers – Open
4. Scouts & Cowboys – Open
5. Teamsters & Miners – Open
6. Pioneers & Pilgrims – Open
7. Soiled Doves – Open (Gus will be in charge!)
Apply here if you want to take part in our Company as we explore the new Wild West Frontier. Welcome to honest & hard working individuals willing to putting in a good day’s work on the New Frontier.

Bandits, Pirates, or other Low-lives are NOT welcome. (No one is judged until they do us wrong —- so if you can leave the Lazy 8V stock, ships, and hands (members) alone you can ride in the same Verse as this outfit. We are open to trading with you as long as you do not cross us!)

The Following jobs and duties are needed in the outfit:
Ranger – (troopers, security, lawman, and/or bounty hunters) Their job is to keep the herd safe on the Frontier and bring the low-lives to business end of the Rope. To fight of the Vanduul and other hostiles found on the Frontier. (All hands in the outfit are required to carry a weapon, know how to use it, and be prepared to defend yourselves & the outfit regardless of their job!)

Explorer – (Long range explorers and mountain man) – To travel far ahead of the outfit searching for good grass, water, and minerals for the herd to cultivate. To report their findings back to the Range Boss at the fast pace possible. Keep an eye out for any hostiles which may wish the outfit ill.

Scout – Will travel out ahead and around the outfit looking for the Bandits and watching for those who wish to raid our outfit. The will report any hostiles to the Range Boss or to the Rangers as fast as possible.

Cowboy – Will ride herd on the range and helping out whenever there is trouble or other needs. Cowboys are given more free range to explore on their own. The may ride with a long-rope (rustling) as long as they leave the 8V stock alone! IF they rope any of the 8V stock or approved associated companies stock; they will be hunted by the Rangers and meet the Business end of a Rope.

Teamster – Will haul freight for the outfit and be available for hire to other Companies in need of transportation. 8V freight has priority over other companies regardless of the price, unless the Teamster share their profit with the members of the Company.

Miner – Must like to dig in the dirt. It is a hard life but someone must do it. If you hit Gold it must be shared with the members of the outfit to build the Fleet.

Pioneer – Those that want to settle the New Frontier to start a new life are welcome to join the Company. They will need to work hard to build a new life on the Frontier. They may choose to change to another job once they prove themselves worth their salt.

Pilgrim – Noobs must be willing to work their ass off to prove themselves worthy of the Brand. They will need to be available to fight off the Hostiles and any other dirty job that needs done. We promise to bury them with respect on the Frontier.

Soiled Doves are also welcome; as the Frontier can get to be lonely place to mine, punch cattle, rounding-up strays, hunt bad men, fighting of the hostiles, and hauling freight. They will report any sightings of Captain Gus to the Range Boss! All members of the Company will treat them with respect, unless they deal the company wrong.


*The Code and Duties which members of ‘Wild Frontier Company’ shall be as follows:

1. Live Each Day with Courage
2. Take Pride in your Work
3. Always Finish what you Start
4. Do What Has to Be Done
5. Be Tough, But Fair
6. When You Make a Promise, KEEP IT
7. Ride For the BRAND – “Infinite Verse” the Lazy 8 V Brand
8. Talk Less and Say More
9. Remember That Some Things Aren’t For Sale
10. Know Where to Draw the Line
11. Don’t inquire into a person’s past. Take the measure of a man for what he is today.
12. Never steal another man’s ship. A ship thief pays with his life!

(Rustling or riding with a long-rope will be tolerated as long as the Company stock and Associated Companies stock are not pinched! The Company will NOT defend a Thief if caught or hunted. Delivering (smuggling) supplies that the government men do not approve is okay as long as you don’t get caught or bring problems back to the company. )

13. Defend yourself whenever necessary.
14. Look out for your own.
15. Remove your guns before sitting at the dining table.
16. Never order anything weaker than whiskey. (if you’re a weak-ass you can drink beer / wine)
17. Don’t make a threat without expecting dire consequences.
18. Always fill your whiskey glass to the brim.
19. Always be courageous. Cowards aren’t tolerated in any outfit worth its salt.
20. Be hospitable to strangers. Anyone who wanders in, including an enemy, is welcome at the dinner table. The same was true for riders who joined riders on the range.
21. Be there for a friend when he needs you.
22. Never shoot an unarmed or unwarned enemy. This is also known as “the rattlesnake code”: always warn before you strike.
********However, if a man is being stalked or hunted, this can be ignored.********
23. Riding another man’s ship without his permission is nearly as bad as making love to his wife. ****Never bother another man’s SHIP!****
24. Complain about the cooking and you become the cook.
25. Always drink your whiskey with your gun hand, to show your friendly intentions.
26. Honesty is absolute – your word is your bond, a handshake is more binding than a contract.
27. No matter how weary and hungry you are after a long day in the saddle, always tend to your SHIP’S needs before your own, and get your SHIP some FUEL, AMMO & Repairs before you eat!!

In the event anything becomes an issue every member has a say-so as to the outcome.

Captain Call reserves the final call on all manners.