89th Interstellar Fleet / 89TH

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

May there be heaven for us.

In these grand stars and space, may we find our way home.

May our brotherhood stay true, and lead us through.



The 89th Interstellar Fleet is a freelancing militaristic fleet made up of pilots and troopers from throughout the verse. The 89th was founded in 2952 by Fleet Admiral “Distorted”, Admiral “Centurion”, and Captain “Reniur”. The 89th was formed to be a Freelancing Fleet to complete missions by those who pay well, typically aiding the UEE navy and other militaries across the verse. The 89th has had close ties with crusader industries since it was formed.


The 89th’s goal is simple. Following where the money is.

We are a combat oriented group, meant to be hired as battle ready soldiers. Whether it be protecting cargo or other organizations meetings, we are here to heed the call.

We are a brotherhood, soldiers and warriors bound by blood. In a galaxy as crazy as this, look to those beside you to support you.

Like stated before, our group is meant to be hired out by others. However, dont be mistaken by this. In full scale, we are an operating fleet, ready to move anywhere, anytime.

People need money, and as such, salaries will be provided to this who work and provide for the Fleet. If you wish to make steady money, here is your place.

If you wish to join a brotherhood and have a place to belong in this wide and lonely galaxy, join us today!


Operating Rules

- Uniforms are required. The dust up armor is the standard armor set for members. Ranking up can have variations to the armors.

-Any ships are allowed, however, we would like to try and stick with the Drake Interplanetary brand.


We are attempting to roleplay a little, with member ranking and operating an actual fleet. Please try and roleplay when in the fleet.

Organizations events will happen as well, such as meetings and our own fleet weeks.


-Running a fleet takes time and money. People will have a work day. Whatever job they are doing, will be assigned or approved by higher ranks. After a work day, have a tally of how many credits you made that day. The organizations will take 5% of what you make from your work day.

This is to provide money to the fleet. Members will be able to receive new ships, allowing them to further enhance the fleets strength.

Members can apply to receive new ships.


-Members will be divided into three divisions:

Pilots : Crew : Ground teams/misc


The fleet will also be separated into sections. For now, the only sections will be combat and cargo sections.

The combat section will focus combat missions, such as protection or clearing enemies.

Our cargo section will trade goods for us. This is to help the fleet make a stead and passive income.