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Aces and Eights / AA8

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

At Aces and Eights, we go beyond—champions of justice, providers of aid, and a bulwark of security. United, we swiftly deliver justice to those in need, upholding the core values of honor, unity, and strength as we navigate the uncharted realms of the cosmic frontier.


After the Fall of Caliban in 2712, the fate of the 88th squadron hung in the balance. Questions loomed over whether more could have been done to reinforce the valiant forces attempting to reclaim Crion from the Vanduul, including a perilous mission against a Kingship.

Despite the courageous efforts, the mission ended in failure. The UEE Naval Command, seemingly unwilling to commit the necessary resources, left the surviving members of the 72nd taskforce disillusioned and disheartened.

In 2885, the frustration with the UEE Navy’s shortcomings reached a tipping point. The disillusioned remnants of the 72nd taskforce broke away, forming the 404th Combined Arms Squadron. The breakaway marked a transformation from a military unit to a Private Military Company (PMC), as the UUE Navy, angered by the retention of our squadron’s name, forced us into a new role and name of Aces and Eights.

Within the ranks of the Aces, we welcomed all who shared our belief that the UEE Navy fell short in both action and justice. Our foundation is rooted in the unwavering commitment to rectify the failures of the past and forge a new path in the cosmic frontier.

To honor our origins, we adopted the motto of the 88th squadron—a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made and the unfulfilled potential that spurred our formation. The Aces and Eights stands as a testament to resilience, adaptability, and a steadfast commitment to justice in the vast expanse of the stars.

Stand and Deliver


Manifesto: Aces and Eights

In the vast cosmic expanse, where stars flicker and civilizations rise and fall, Aces and Eights emerges as a beacon of resilience, honor, and justice. We are more than a Private Military Company; we are a fraternity of individuals united by a shared vision.

1. Honor Above All

We pledge unwavering allegiance to the principles of honor and integrity. In the pursuit of justice, our actions are guided by a moral compass that ensures fairness, transparency, and ethical conduct in all endeavors.

2. The Legacy of the 88th Squadron

Rooted in the legacy of the 88th squadron, we carry forward the spirit of sacrifice and valor. Our every action is a tribute to those who came before us, a reminder of the unfulfilled potential that propels us to greater heights.

3. Adaptability and Resilience

The cosmic frontier demands adaptability. We embrace change with open arms, evolving and growing stronger in the face of challenges. Through resilience, we turn setbacks into stepping stones toward our collective destiny.

4. Unity in Diversity

Within our ranks, diversity is our strength. Aces and Eights welcomes individuals of varied backgrounds, talents, and perspectives. Together, we create a mosaic of skills, forging a unity that transcends the boundaries of the cosmos.

5. Commitment to the Cause

Our commitment is unwavering. As members of Aces and Eights, we dedicate ourselves to the pursuit of justice, not just as a duty, but as a calling that echoes through the galaxies.

6. Exploration and Discovery

Beyond the battles and conflicts, we are explorers of the cosmic unknown. With every jump point crossed and every celestial body discovered, we expand the horizons of our collective experience.

7. The Cosmic Brotherhood

In the tapestry of the stars, we find kinship. The members of Aces and Eights are not just comrades; we are a cosmic brotherhood, bound by loyalty, trust, and shared aspirations.

8. Guardians of Justice

As Aces and Eights, we stand as guardians of justice. In every mission, whether securing trade routes or engaging in battles, we embody the principles that define our organization — honor, unity, and an unyielding commitment to justice.

In the cosmic dance of light and shadow, Aces and Eights emerges as a force that transcends time and space. We are not just an organization; we are the embodiment of a shared vision—a vision that shapes the destiny of the stars and echoes through the cosmos.


Aces and Eights Charter
Article I: Name and Purpose
Section 1: Name
The official name of this organization shall be Aces and Eights.

Section 2: Purpose
Aces and Eights is formed to foster a community of like-minded individuals within the Star Citizen universe. Our primary goals include promoting teamwork, strategic gameplay, and camaraderie among our members. We stand for justice, unity, and strength in the vastness of the cosmic frontier.

Article II: Membership
Section 1: Eligibility
Membership is open to individuals who share our values and commit to making Aces and Eights their primary organization within the Star Citizen universe.

Section 2: Rights and Responsibilities
Members have the right to actively participate in organizational activities and events. Responsibilities include upholding the values of honor, respect, and fairness, as well as contributing to the betterment of the organization.

Article III: Leadership
Section 1: Leadership Roles
Leadership roles may be assigned based on merit and dedication. Leaders are responsible for guiding the organization, enforcing the charter, and promoting a positive community environment.

Article IV: Code of Conduct
Section 1: Conduct Expectations
Members are expected to conduct themselves with honor, respect, and fairness both within the game and the organization. Any actions contrary to these values may result in disciplinary measures.

Article V: Events and Operations
Section 1: Participation
Members are encouraged to participate in events, operations, and activities to strengthen the bonds of unity and teamwork within the organization.

Section 2: Planning and Execution
Events and operations will be planned and executed with consideration for the diverse interests and skills of our members.

Article VI: Amendments
Section 1: Amendment Process
Any proposed amendments to this charter shall be submitted to the leadership for review. Approval requires a majority vote among the leadership.

Article VII: Dissolution
Section 1: Dissolution Process
In the event of dissolution, assets shall be distributed in accordance with the decisions made by the leadership.