ABK Logistics / ABK

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Transport
  • Exploration

Whether you’re a privateer looking for a “safe harbor” to buy, sell and trade your goods or seeking a strong organized structure within the Apostle Corps.

You are welcome here!

Teamspeak 3


Into the Expanse

For many years the Apostles supported the United Planets of Earth (UPE) and Imperator Messer, the sect fought with merit alongside the UPE in both Tavarin Wars. That support started to waiver as the UPE, now called the United Empire of Earth (UEE) started to expand into the universe, snatching up worlds and terraforming them at a disturbing rate. All the while, Imperator Messer’s power and title transferred down through his children, each seemingly more cruel and greedy than the last. The sect finally decided it could no longer support the tyranny of the UEE and openly joined the resistance as insurrectionist. On May 3, 2792, the Imperator was overthrown.

With the reform of the UEE and the Imperator no longer being a hereditary autocrat but an elected position with a ten year term limit, government corruption and corporate greed now threatens the reform that the Apostles and many others fought hard to achieve. In 2935 the Apostles voted to move the sect outside UEE protected space to forge their own zone of control in lawless space free of government and corporate control.


Our mission is to build a thriving, self-reliant community that is both advantageous and fun for its members. Whether you’re a privateer or freelancer looking for a “safe harbor” to buy, sell and trade your goods or seeking a strong organized structure within the Apostle Corps. You are welcome here!

The Apostles aim to provide a drama-free environment, positive atmosphere and a fun gaming experience for our members. What matters to us most is that our members know us as a place to come and spend time with friends doing what they enjoy.

We have a storied history of over a decade in various games and we always welcoming new members into our community regardless of playing time, we’re a community of highly skilled players who play games for fun, and insist that real life comes first.

Merchants, Miners and Traders are the “life blood” of the Apostles and have the complete support of the sect and the military. The Merchant Corps and Quartermaster Corps are tasked with establishing the best possible trade routes and mining operations. They are also tasked with the protection of all routes, operations and ships for both corps and non-corps members alike.

We take a “Militia” approach to our military. Members that choose to join one of the Apostles’ Corps are expected to follow a chain-of-command, attend training and when possible attend all sanctioned operations (real-life always comes first) but when their respective corps is not training or participating in an operation members are free to pursuit any profession they choose so long as organization rules are followed.

Members have access to our forums and TeamSpeak 3


General Rules & Expectations

  • Members will at all times, represent The Apostles and display their allegiance through the use of the proper avatars, signatures, etc.
  • Members are expected to maintain the integrity and privacy of information found within forums or heard within TeamSpeak.
  • Members are expected to avoid public confrontations or internal arguments at all costs as it reflects poorly upon both the member and the sect as a whole.
  • Absolutely no racism, sexism, homophobia or any other forms of prejudice will be tolerated.
  • Members, under no circumstance, should reply to attacks or topics about The Apostles on the RSI forums.

Gameplay Rules

  • Under no circumstances are members allowed to belong to multiple organizations other than as an affiliate and only those approved by the Governing Council. (Members affiliated with enemy or competing organizations will be kicked.)
  • Under no circumstances will it be acceptable to engage allied units / personnel.
  • Attacks on or insults to Apostles’ members or the sect as a whole while in game should be answered in a rational and mature way, while created as little drama as possible. However, all members have the right to defend themselves and their ships with what ever means they deem as necessary.
  • Members are cautioned to not take important or diplomatic matters related to sect into their own hands and are expected to refrain from making any comments or decisions that have not been previously approved by appropriate ranking officers.
  • Under no circumstances will non-sect sponsored piracy be tolerated.
  • Cheating and exploitation, whether through the use of third party programs or bugs found within the game, is strictly prohibited.


  • No mic or chat spamming.
  • Do not give out Apostles TeamSpeak info to anyone who is not a member unless given permission or direction to do so by an officer.
  • Stick to the assigned TS channels for your current game or activity. i.e. When playing Star Citizen do not form up in the DarkFall Channel.