Agenda Black Warfare Solutions / ABWS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Security

A Better Future, Through Smarter Warfare.


A Better Future, Through Smarter Warfare…
This has been our motto since our founding in 2908. This corporation was formed with intentions of providing the absolute best quality of mercenary work, while keeping damage to uninvolved parties to an absolute minimum. In the recent years, dating from around 2912-2045 the majority of our contracts have been by small, lightly armed colonies on the outer rims of the UEE, as an answer to the Vanduul threat. We have been able to defend these colonies with very high effectiveness, which is visible from our constant employment.


Minimize Collateral, Maximize Effectiveness…
Our mission statement has always been to redefine the niche of wetwork. We strive to make this occupation more safe, as well as increase the effectiveness of our actions.


Operational Policies

1. Contracts
A. Contractual Drafting
Contracts will be drafted by the ABWS agent, based upon the requests of the patron. Afterwards, the patron will agree to the terms prior to the signing process.
B. Contractual Signing
All parties, the ABWS agent, and the patron, as well as a ABWS manager (Managers, refer to policy [MISSING]) must sign, or otherwise provide some proof of approval with the proposed contract before any contractual obligations will proceed. A supervisor will give the agent group the right to proceed with the contract post-signing.
C. Contractual Obligations
Based upon the drafted and accepted contract, both parties have certain contractual obligations. The ABWS agent must uphold the mission provided by the contract. The patron must complete the payment process (Refer to policy [MISSING]).
D. Payment
The patron is expected to pay half of the total contractual payment at the time of signing, and half after contract completion. In an event of contract failure, refer to procedure 2-A.
E. Corporate Input
The contract must be forwarded to the agent’s operational supervisor prior to the fulfillment of the contract. It is then the supervisor’s responsibility to return a copy of the signed contract to the agent.. (Supervisors, refer to policy [MISSING])

2. Field Operation
A. Failure Procedure
An agent’s failure to uphold a mission will result in the agent being required to return all goods, as well as credits to the patron. In addition, the agent must pay half of the contractual payment to Agenda Black Corporate as a failure pay, via the agent’s supervisor. Failure to pay the correct failure pay will result in termination from the Agenda Black Warfare Solutions Corporation.
B. Defense Sortie
Defense sorties are the most simple form of mission, and likely the one an agent will encounter most often. In a defense mission, one or more agents will defend a patron by any means necessary. Agents are expected to defend the patrons from any threats whilst minimizing damage to any uninvolved parties.
C. Elimination Sortie
In this form of mission, the agent will be expected to terminate the one or more targets specified by the patron. The agent will complete this task with efficiency and effectiveness. Minimizing collateral damage is a priority to maximize safety.
D. Runner Sortie
This sortie will consist of the agent transporting some object from one point to another. Minimize any combat, if possible.
E. Unlisted Sortie
Uphold Agenda Black Warfare Solutions priorities of safety and efficiency whist completing the contractual agreement.
F. Engagement Procedure
It is safest for an agent to avoid provoking any conflict not essential to the mission. Damage to civilian parties may result in penalties based upon incorrect actions. Agent safety is a priority.

3. Recruitment and HR Policies
A. Agent Groups
A single agent group can be no less than 2 agents, and no more than 6. Agent groups will cooperate with one another during contracts. The highest tier agent in the group will complete contract signing (refer to policies 1-A & 1-B). If two or more agents are the same tier, the group must determine among themselves which agent will manage contract duties.
B. Supervisory Management
Each supervisor will oversee a maximum of 3 agent groups. For further supervisor procedures, refer to policies [MISSING].
C. Application Procedures
When a potential member is filing an application, which will be handled by an Enlistment Director, the application is expected to follow the standard layout. This layout will include information, such as who (if any) are requested to be within this applicant’s agent group.
D. Recruitment Procedures
If an individual with exceptional skills are located by an agent, the agent will forward a request to attempt recruitment to their designated supervisor. If an individual holding the rank of supervisor encounters an individual with exceptional skill, they should attempt recruitment.
Notice: Do not threaten in any way the potential recruit.