The Void Initiative / ABYSSAL

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

Welcome to the Void Initiative

From here to the ends of the Universe and beyond shall we explore and discover

From here we shall journey to the farthest stars and shrouded worlds

From here shall we ascend to the farthest reaches and plumb the deepest depths

Ever onward into the vast, vivid, void


Founded in 2272 after the first ever successful jump by mankind, the Void Initiative was founded as an informal group of unknown individuals with the prospect of discovery and exploration in mind. To further these aims, modest sums were provided by the group to purchase and outfit a pair of ships, known as Abyssal and Cimmerian. Crewed and supplied the Initiative set out to explore space and seek out new jump points.

After many failed attempts the crews of the 2 ships finally had success nearly a year after launch in 2276. Upon the successful navigation and mapping of the jump points the 2 ships returned to earth and sold the information to interested parties.


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We only live by a few rules in The Void Initiative, because we really want people to express themselves and play they want to play.

We use Teamspeak as our voice services. Please download it when you can and connect to us at and stay awhile and listen! We generally recruit anyone who is willing to abide by certain rules… 1: Please don’t be a jerk. 2: Really, please don’t be a jerk, treat others as you want to be treated. 3:Be part of the community and invest in the people within Abyssal 4:Anyone in Abyssal is generally allowed to invite people into Abyssal at their discretion, we trust you, for now. There are no ranks, we are one in the same as gamers, except the leaders of course. And finally have fun! Don’t take yourself or us too seriously, because we sure as hell don’t!