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  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Infiltration

Has two meanings-
Forget Everything And Run
Face Everything And Rise
The choice is yours.


Academi, an institution dedicated to knowledge, fortified by valor, emerged as a bastion of preparedness and unity in the looming shadows of impending conflict. Founded on the tenets of education, resilience, and solidarity, Academi’s inception stemmed from the resolute belief that every individual held the power to make a difference in the face of looming threats.

The organization’s genesis lay in the recognition that defense wasn’t merely the responsibility of a select few, but the collective duty of all who called the stars their home. Academi’s founders, visionaries in their own right, championed the idea that every soul possessed the potential to contribute to the safeguarding of their galactic heritage.

From seasoned veterans to aspiring cadets, Academi opened its doors to all who shared the common belief in standing tall against encroaching adversaries. The rallying cry echoed across star systems, beckoning those willing to devote themselves to the cause of defending their cherished homeworlds and the tranquility of the cosmos.

The Academi security became not just bastions of learning and combat training but beacons of hope, inspiring individuals from diverse backgrounds to unite under a singular purpose. Here, they weren’t just molded into soldiers or scholars; they were instilled with a sense of duty, a conviction that by joining hands and pooling their knowledge, they could fortify their homes against the storm of impending conflict.

As tensions escalated and the specter of war loomed larger, Academi’s call to arms reverberated through the void, inviting all who sought to make a difference. Whether on the front lines or in the laboratories, each member understood their role in the grand tapestry of defense – an interconnected web of warriors, thinkers, and diplomats standing resolute in their commitment to defend their home, one individual contribution at a time.


Academi stands as an embodiment of unwavering determination and shared purpose, fueled by a set of core beliefs that transcend the boundaries of space and time. At its heart, Academi cherishes the sanctity of knowledge and the indomitable spirit of safeguarding the galaxy’s harmony.

Driven by an unyielding commitment to enlightenment and preparedness, Academi’s foremost intention is to cultivate a collective consciousness that transcends individual aspirations. Each member, from the seasoned veteran to the novice cadet, is imbued with the belief that the pursuit of knowledge and readiness is not merely a personal quest but a communal responsibility.

Motivated by the profound understanding that conflict can only be deterred through unity and readiness, Academi holds a steadfast view that education is the cornerstone of resilience. Their academies serve as crucibles where wisdom, tactics, and technology converge to forge not just soldiers, but enlightened guardians of peace.

Academi’s views extend beyond the realm of warfare; they encompass a holistic approach to galactic stewardship. Their commitment to defending home and hearth isn’t solely militaristic; it’s a pledge to uphold justice, foster alliances, and pave the way for a harmonious coexistence among all sentient beings.

Their vision, etched in the stars, is a galaxy where the pursuit of knowledge and the preservation of peace are intertwined. They aspire not for dominance, but for equilibrium, where the exchange of ideas supersedes the clash of arms, and the unity of purpose overshadows the discord of conflict.

Academi’s motives are as noble as they are pragmatic: to fortify, not conquer; to enlighten, not coerce; to defend, not oppress. Their gaze spans far beyond the horizon of mere survival; it encompasses the aspiration for a galaxy where unity, knowledge, and preparedness serve as the bulwarks against the encroaching tides of discord.


Code of Conduct: Members of Academi are expected to uphold a code of conduct that prioritizes respect, integrity, and professionalism in all interactions, whether within the organization or in dealings with external entities. Respect for fellow members, allies, and even adversaries is paramount.

Commitment to Learning: Cadets within Academi pledge to remain dedicated to continuous learning and improvement. Embracing knowledge across various fields, be it combat tactics, diplomatic strategies, or technological advancements, is essential.

Defensive Stance: Academi maintains a defensive stance, emphasizing the protection of home systems and peaceful coexistence within the galaxy. Offensive actions are strictly reserved for defensive purposes or in the defense of innocent lives.

Non-Aggression Towards Allies: Members vow to maintain non-aggression and honor alliances with other organizations unless provoked or threatened. Diplomatic solutions are sought before resorting to conflict.

Community Engagement: Participation in community activities, support for fellow members, and contributions to the betterment of the organization and its members are encouraged. Unity and camaraderie are essential for the strength of Academi.

Adherence to Leadership: Members are expected to follow the directives and guidance of appointed leadership within the organization. Hierarchical structure and orders are to be respected for the effective functioning of Academi. Leaders must wield their power responsibly, ensuring that every decision and action serves the collective good, upholds ethical standards, and respects the rights and well-being of those they lead. Any abuse or exploitation of authority for personal gain, discrimination, or suppression of others is strictly prohibited and subject to appropriate consequences. Furthermore, it is imperative for individuals at all levels, especially those in lower-ranking positions, to feel empowered and secure in speaking out against any misuse of power without fear of reprisal or retribution. Encouraging a culture of open communication and accountability ensures that voices from all levels of the organization can contribute to maintaining ethical leadership and a healthy, fair environment.

Secrecy and Discretion: Confidential information pertaining to the organization, its strategies, or sensitive data must be kept confidential. Discretion in communication, especially regarding internal matters, is highly valued.

Ethical Conduct: Upholding ethical standards in all dealings, whether it be trade, conflict, or diplomatic negotiations, is mandatory. Academi members are expected to exemplify moral behavior in all situations.

Continued Preparedness: Each member pledges to remain prepared for conflict, honing their skills through regular training and readiness drills. Preparedness is considered a cornerstone of Academi’s strength.

Resolution through Diplomacy: Wherever possible, conflicts are to be resolved through diplomatic channels. Open dialogue and negotiations are preferred before resorting to force.