Astra Custodes Republic / ACREP

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

“We Are Custodes, Guardians of the Stars”


Est. 2024


“It is better to die for the Republic than to live for yourself.”

This is what it takes to become a Custodes. To put your life on the line for something greater than yourself, to bring the Republic to glory for all mankind.

Our mission (to commence once 1.0 drops)

  • Recruit and train our forces to work together
  • Establish a staging area with resources needed to begin building our settlements.
  • learn the skills needed to build and craft
  • Set up trade routes
  • Seek out allies
  • Secure our place in the stars

“Solum Per Honorem Et Virtutem Custodes Praevalebunt”

“Only Through Honor And Courage Shall The Custodes Prevail”


“Astra Custodes Republic Directive”

The Republic will place all citizens with the following rights:
  1. Freedom of Speech- Everyone has a right to speak their mind, no one shall be silenced as long as that individual keeps a level of decorum.
  2. The right to ownership- No one has a right to your property, anything gathered, bought, or created by the individual belongs to the individual, theft and griefing will be severely punished.
  3. The right to respect- Everyone deserves respect, treat people how you would like to be treated.
*this directive is subject to change but the three main Rights are absolute to Citizens who remain in good standing.