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Atlas Defense Industries / ADI

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Exploration


ADI Website | ADI Application Process | ADI Forums | ADI Discord


The Beginning:

Atlas Defense Industries was formed in September of 2013 by JayC, Hav0k, Stick, Joshua, Leif, Rob, and Falcon. The majority of the founding members managed an ArmA group by the name of Task Force 88. We decided to bring our combined experience running a very successful and enjoyable Mil-Sim organization over to Star Citizen.

Why Join Atlas Defense Industries?

Atlas Defense Industries is the fastest growing organization by actual members. So many organizations out there claim to be active, structured, and organized, but Atlas Defense Industries is the real deal. We have members around 24/7, we have a clear organisational setup, and we are constantly communicating with one another. ADI is the largest exclusive organization in Star Citizen, and we focus on recruiting members who are going to make ADI their only home.

A large chunk of our members are prior military, and as such we believe in a structured organization with no room for drama. Our ultimate goal and desire is to provide a fun, relaxing, and drama-free environment for all of our members.

ADI believes in training members to a higher level than most orgs, so that they feel comfortable when flying with any and all members in the org. We want everyone to honestly and confidently say to themselves, “I’ve been tested and have proven that I can do things to the best of my abilities. I will be there to fight alongside my clan-mates through hell and back.” In addition to training to a higher level than most orgs, we are completely against piracy. No member of ADI is allowed to pirate any player, ever, and we take acts of piracy very seriously. These two items are ingrained into our mentality, which makes our culture one-of-a-kind and not necessarily for everybody (and that’s why we interview every prospective member).

Atlas Defense Industries is a place you can call home and a place you can grow and have fun with your friends. Join today!


ADI Website | ADI Application Process | ADI Forums | ADI Discord


Atlas Defense Industries is focused on all aspects of game play in Star Citizen. We will make money where there is money to be made, hunt pirates for profit, trade goods, manufacture consumables, explore the galaxy, and do whatever else we can to make this game more enjoyable for everyone here at ADI and the Star Citizen community as a whole.

Membership Requirements

· Must have and use Discord; headset strongly recommended
· Must be mature
· Must not cause drama
· Must be loyal to Atlas Defense Industries and not be a part of any other organization

Failure to adhere to these requirements will result in expulsion.



1.) Why am I still listed as a “New Member” or “Recruit”?

There is generally only one reason you are listed as “New Member” or “Recruit”. That reason is that you have not been fully on-boarded with one of our Officers by completing an interview in Discord.

2.) What is your stance on Multiple Org Membership?

A. All leadership positions in ADI (Division Heads, Team Leaders, Recruiters, Intel, etc) must have org tags and signatures visible at all times. Membership in affiliate orgs must be approved on a case by case basis.

B. Membership in ADI requires all members to be a primary member of the ADI org and must not be set as affiliate. They may join ‘club style’ affiliate orgs, but leadership reserves the right to blacklist orgs, or prohibit membership if said membership poses a security risk to ADI.

C. At no time may any member of ADI be an affiliate of an organization that practices piracy.

D. Attempts to hide or redact org status from ADI leadership or the general public will result in the immediate termination of any member caught doing so. There is no exception to this rule.

3.) What style of Org are you?

We are a very organized team of members that are passionate about the game. While some of our members are hardcore players, we do not require our members to be hardcore players. We accept all players that share our goals and interests, regardless of them being casual or hardcore. ADI believes in the rule that “life comes first” and will never tell you to put the Org over your real life, job, and certainly not over your family.

4.) What does training entail?

Each of the jobs will have a checklist that will need to be completed in order to display the competency of each member. Some of these may include simple aspects of the game and others may be more in depth. Most of the training methods are fairly easy, but there are others that require a large amount of practice (such as training a combat pilot of FleetSec) using proven tactics and strategies to assure mission success.

5.) Why are there such high standards for your pilots in Fleet Security?

We want all of our members to be great at what they do, regardless of their division. However, FleetSec members are held to a higher standard than the rest. This is because they are a very important part to the success of our organization. Primarily, they provide security for our Commerce and Exploration divisions so that we can be self-sustaining.

6.) What are unacceptable activities?

We take our reputation very seriously. As such, any members participating in any activity including, but not limited to, piracy, extortion, or any other illegal activities as defined by ADI, will be disciplined. These disciplinary measures can include being removed from the organization, loss of position, or being turned in for a bounty. This is dependent on how serious the infraction was.

The main question for you as a potential member of ADI

Have you now, or have you ever, participated in acts of piracy in any game or intend to in the future?

If the answer is yes, ADI is not the place for you.


ADI Website | ADI Application Process | ADI Forums | ADI Discord


Atlas Defense Industries – Immutable Laws

Drama free zone – Most of us graduated high school years ago. Leave the teen drama in the school halls. Drama will not be tolerated in ADI.

Positivity or the highway – Negativity is a plague that can take over with even the slightest infiltration. Any negative members have got to go. We’re not expecting fluffy bunnies and rainbows 24/7, but don’t be a debbie-downer!

Real life first – The vast majority of members have families and a real life, and we firmly believe that keeping these things before gaming is the best way to go. Never feel bad, and never put anyone down, for having to take care of real life.

Be respectful – Treat others the way you’d want to be treated. Treat all your fellow members and our allies with respect.

No jerks allowed – Being a jerk is not acceptable. We won’t accept jerks as clients, vendors, or members. We will never be jerks. Life’s too short. Jerks are not allowed.

Always go above the call of duty – Never accept “good enough” for yourself. Do the best for yourself and your organisation. This ideal should be lived and remembered every day!