Advanced Scaffolding / ADSCAF

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Freelancing

Advanced Scaffolding – Supporting your Cause.


Founded origionally as a social group, Advanced Scaffolding had been reborn within the systems of starcitizen to bring logistical support to causes across the verse.


Advanced Scaffolding exsistes to bring a new level of logistical support to causes across the verse by providing transportation, ships and personel for various legitimate uses at prices to suit all budgets.


This charter shall be the rules that all members of advanced scaffolding will atempt to follow in the course of their duties.

1. All members must remain profesional in the course of their duties.

2. All funds earned from Corperate Jobs shall be regestered and 10% given to the coperation for growth and support.

3. All expences incurred in the course of duties will be the responsibility of the member who takes on the job, unless pre-agreed with a board member.

4. These rules are subject to change at the boards decision.