Galactic Advancement Society / ADVANSOC

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Social

Our Goal is to better the star citizen community, and create an environment and a world where people feel welcomed, supported, and understood. And of course kill stuff.


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Our Tenants:
Help new players,
The best way to grow an organization is to help new people join the game. We will not push anyone to join us, but to be with us is to flourish,
Do The Right Thing,
Being perfect is impossible, but what we can do is always be honest, cordial, and do not cut corners,
Default Prosperous


Be kind,
No racism, sexism, and/or discrimination will be tolerated
If you are in an obligatory role and can’t complete your obligation please communicate. Even if its just to take a break form the game.
Communicate with leadership, we welcome everyone, constructive criticism, advice, or tips and tricks
Keep politics out of it!
We are a gaming community through and through. Star Citizen is not our only game, and its fine to play other things. Just do your part in recruiting and spreading a positive vibe into the world!
Be the type of person that you wish to have more of in the world. Point Blank Period