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Aegis International / AEGISHOLD

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Aegis International was founded on the premise that true strength comes from numbers and connections. We are not “just another organization”, but rather we are a family. We are tight knit and look out for each other no matter what.


In the sprawling expanse of the 29th century, humanity had conquered the stars, and a new era of interstellar exploration and commerce unfolded. Amidst the cosmic tapestry, emerged Aegis International, a syndicate that traced its roots to an ancient concept from Earth’s past.

In the earliest days, when the fledgling starfaring civilization sought a symbol of strength and security, they turned to the myths of Ancient Greece. The Aegis, a protective shield borne by the mighty Zeus and wise Athena, became the inspiration for a group of visionaries who believed in the power of unity and mutual defense.

The founders of Aegis International envisioned a syndicate that would embody the ideals of the ancient Aegis – a shield that could withstand the cosmic storms of the universe, protecting its members and fostering prosperity for all. Thus, in the heart of the galaxy, Aegis International was born.

The early days were marked by exploration and the forging of alliances. Aegis International’s members, drawn from diverse backgrounds and professions, understood the strength that came from standing together. They navigated the challenges of the cosmos, from treacherous asteroid fields to hostile encounters with marauding factions.

As the syndicate grew, Aegis International became synonymous with trust, cooperation, and mutual benefit. Members took an oath to defend one another, drawing parallels with the protective deities of ancient lore. The symbol of the Aegis, once a mere myth, now adorned the banners and spacecraft of Aegis International, a testament to their commitment to each other.

Yet, with the mantle of guardianship came a stern warning etched into the fabric of their legacy. Aegis International, true to its name, possessed the means to wield overwhelming force against those who dared to threaten the harmony they sought to preserve. It was a stark reminder to any who stood against them – the Aegis could swiftly transform into a sword, capable of dismantling any adversary that threatened the unity they stood for.

Over the centuries, Aegis International played a pivotal role in shaping the fate of the galaxy. They brokered peace treaties, facilitated trade agreements, and thwarted the ambitions of those who sought chaos. The Aegis fleet, a formidable force comprised of state-of-the-art ships, became a beacon of hope for those in need.

In the annals of history, Aegis International became a legendary force, a syndicate that stood the test of time, drawing strength from its commitment to unity and protection. The Aegis, once a shield of gods, now symbolized a syndicate that embraced the divine ideals of camaraderie, shared purpose, and a stern warning for those who sought to disrupt the cosmic equilibrium.


In the cosmic expanse of the 29th century, we, the members of Aegis International, stand united as the custodians of a legacy forged in the crucible of time. Our journey began with a vision drawn from the annals of Ancient Greece, where the Aegis shielded the divine from the chaos that sought to engulf them. Today, we carry that sacred mantle into the boundless reaches of the galaxy.

I. Unity and Comradeship:
We pledge ourselves to the eternal bonds of unity and comradeship. In the spirit of the Aegis, we stand together as a brotherhood, a tapestry woven with the diverse threads of our membership. Our strength lies not only in the advanced technologies we command but in the unyielding bond that binds us as one.

II. Protection and Prosperity:
Our foremost duty is the protection of our members. We are the shield against the cosmic storms that threaten peace and prosperity. Aegis International exists to ensure the safety and well-being of its constituents, fostering an environment where all can thrive.

III. Knowledge and Enlightenment:
We embrace the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment as the guiding stars of our journey. Like the philosophers of ancient times, we seek to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos, unlocking the secrets that propel us towards a brighter future. Our research outposts stand as beacons of intellectual curiosity, driving progress for the benefit of all.

IV. Warning to Challengers:
Let it be known to all who tread the paths of the cosmos: Aegis International bears the dual visage of protection and retribution. Our commitment to peace is unwavering, but we caution those who would disrupt the harmony we strive to maintain. The Aegis can swiftly transform into a sword, formidable and resolute against any who dare to threaten the celestial equilibrium we safeguard.

V. Prosperity for All:
We believe in the principle of shared prosperity. As we reap the rewards of our shared endeavors, we ensure that the benefits extend to every corner of our family.

In the name of unity, protection, and prosperity, we, the members of Aegis International, solemnly affirm this manifesto. As we embark on our cosmic journey, let the legacy of the Aegis guide us.


Article I: Name and Symbolism
1.1 The organization shall be known as Aegis International, deriving its name from the protective shield associated with Zeus and Athena in Ancient Greek mythology.

1.2 The emblem of Aegis Holdings shall be the radiant Aegis, symbolizing our commitment to being the luminous guardians of a cosmic covenant.

Article II: Unity and Membership
2.1 Aegis International is founded on the principles of unity and camaraderie. All members, irrespective of their origin, background, or affiliation, shall be bound by the shared purpose of fostering cosmic harmony.

2.2 Membership is open to those who embrace the tenets of protection, enlightenment, and shared prosperity. Prospective members shall undergo a thorough vetting process to ensure alignment with the charter.

Article III: Protection and Defense
3.1 Aegis International vows to shield its members from cosmic adversities, both seen and unseen. The protection offered by the Aegis extends not only to the physical safety of our members but also to the safeguarding of their aspirations and endeavors.

3.2 Aegis International reserves the right to employ defensive and offensive measures against external threats, ensuring the preservation of our members and their assets.

Article IV: Pursuit of Knowledge and Enlightenment
4.1 Aegis International embraces the pursuit of knowledge as a guiding principle. We shall establish research outposts and engage in intellectual endeavors that contribute to the enlightenment of our members and the cosmic community.

4.2 The organization shall encourage the free exchange of ideas, fostering an environment where wisdom and innovation flourish.

Article V: Warning and Retribution
5.1 Aegis International issues a luminous warning to those who would disturb the order we strive to maintain. With mutual prosperity being one of the highest priorities, we reserve the right to wield our strength against those who threaten that.

5.2 Retribution, when necessary, shall be executed swiftly and severely, but “proportionally”.

Article VI: Shared Prosperity
6.1 Aegis International believes in the necessity of shared prosperity. Members shall actively contribute to the collective welfare, and the benefits of our endeavors shall be distributed equitably.

6.2 The organization shall engage in ventures that uplift its members.

Article VII: Interstellar Diplomacy
7.1 Aegis International shall engage in diplomatic ventures with other organizations and entities. Our interactions shall be guided by principles of respect, cooperation, and the pursuit of mutually beneficial alliances.