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11th Aerospace Expeditionary Rescue Squadron / AERS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Security
  • Medical

AERS 11 a small but elite team of pilots, medics, and engineers dedicated to saving lives in the SC universe. Led by Commander “Maxx”, our skilled and fearless team specializes in daring rescue missions in hazardous environments. Join us and make a difference in the galaxy, one life at a time.


The 11th Aerospace Expeditionary Rescue Squadron, known as “AERS-11,” is a small, tightly-knit organization operating within the vast expanse of the Star Citizen universe. Founded by a group of like-minded individuals who shared a common passion for helping those in need, AERS-11 is a specialized rescue squadron that operates independently, providing critical assistance in remote and treacherous environments where other organizations may not be able to reach.

AERS-11 is led by Commander McD “Maxx” Nate, a seasoned pilot with a reputation for his exceptional skills and unwavering determination. With a small team of handpicked specialists, including skilled pilots, search and rescue experts, and medical personnel, AERS-11 is a tightly-knit group that operates with utmost efficiency and precision in their missions.

The squadron’s primary focus is on deep space exploration, often venturing into uncharted territories, asteroid belts, and other hazardous regions of space. They are equipped with a fleet of specialized ships, including the “Polaris,” a refurbished and heavily modified combat ship used for medical and rescue, that serves as their flagship. The “Polaris” is a marvel of engineering, equipped with advanced medical facilities, state-of-the-art sensors, and cutting-edge rescue technology, allowing AERS-11 to respond swiftly and effectively to a wide range of emergency situations.

AERS-11 is known for their daring and resourceful approach to rescue missions. They have successfully conducted daring ship-to-ship rescues, extracted survivors from hazardous environments, and provided critical medical aid to those in need. They are also skilled in repairing and salvaging damaged spacecraft, often working under extreme conditions to bring stranded ships and their crews to safety.

Despite their small size, AERS-11 has earned a reputation for their unwavering commitment to their mission and their ability to handle high-risk and complex rescue operations. They operate with a strict code of conduct, placing the value of life above all else. They are respected for their professionalism, expertise, and their willingness to go above and beyond to save lives in the most challenging situations.

As a small, specialized group, AERS-11 maintains close-knit relationships among its members, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual support. Each member of AERS-11 is not just a colleague, but a trusted comrade and friend, relying on one another in the face of danger and adversity.

AERS-11 is known for their humility and dedication, shunning the limelight and focusing solely on their mission of rescue and aid. They are often called upon by other organizations and governments in times of crisis, and their expertise and efficiency have made them a respected force in the Star Citizen universe. With their unwavering commitment to saving lives and making a positive impact, AERS-11 continues to be a beacon of hope in the vastness of space, earning the gratitude and admiration of those they have rescued and aided.


We, the members of the 11th Aerospace Expeditionary Rescue Squadron, pledge our unwavering commitment to the mission of saving lives and providing critical aid in the Star Citizen universe. Our manifesto outlines our core principles, beliefs, and commitments that guide us in our noble pursuit of rescue and relief efforts:

1. Life above all else: We hold the value of life as our highest priority. We are dedicated to preserving and protecting the lives of all beings, regardless of race, nationality, or affiliation. We will spare no effort to rescue those in need, to provide medical aid, and to alleviate suffering in times of crisis.

2. Courage in the face of danger: We embrace the challenges and dangers of our missions with courage and resolve. We are trained professionals who remain calm and focused under pressure, relying on our skills, training, and experience to navigate through the most treacherous environments and situations. We never shy away from taking calculated risks to save lives.

3. Compassion and empathy: We approach every rescue mission with empathy and compassion, recognizing the emotions and vulnerabilities of those we aid. We provide comfort, support, and reassurance to those in distress, and we strive to understand and address their needs with sensitivity and care.

4. Expertise and professionalism: We are highly skilled and experienced professionals in our respective fields, including pilots, search and rescue experts, medical personnel, and support staff. We constantly update our knowledge and skills to stay at the forefront of our fields, ensuring that we are well-prepared and capable of handling any rescue situation with competence and professionalism.

5. Independence and adaptability: We operate independently, free from political or commercial influences, allowing us to respond swiftly and flexibly to emergencies and crises. We adapt to the ever-changing dynamics of space exploration and rescue operations, utilizing our resourcefulness and ingenuity to overcome challenges and achieve our mission objectives.

6. Collaboration and camaraderie: We value the importance of teamwork and camaraderie among our members. We foster a close-knit community where mutual respect, trust, and cooperation are paramount. We support and rely on each other, working seamlessly as a team to achieve our mission goals.

7. Humility and integrity: We approach our work with humility, recognizing that we are but humble servants in the vastness of space. We operate with unwavering integrity, upholding the highest ethical standards in all our actions and decisions. We take pride in our professionalism and the reputation we have earned as a trusted and reliable organization.

8. Preparedness and innovation: We maintain a state of constant readiness, ensuring that our equipment, technology, and personnel are well-prepared for any emergency situation. We embrace innovation and cutting-edge technology to enhance our rescue capabilities, always seeking new ways to improve our effectiveness and efficiency in saving lives.

9. Outreach and education: We are committed to educating and raising awareness about safety, preparedness, and emergency response in the Star Citizen universe. We actively engage in outreach efforts to promote safety practices and provide education and training to other organizations, communities, and individuals, aiming to create a safer and more resilient spacefaring society.

10. Humanitarian service: We consider our work as a humanitarian service to the people of the Star Citizen universe. We strive to bring hope, comfort, and relief to those in need, and we actively contribute to the betterment of the communities we serve, both within and beyond our rescue missions.

In conclusion, the 11th Aerospace Expeditionary Rescue Squadron (AERS-11) is driven by the core principles of life above all else, courage, compassion, expertise, independence, collaboration, humility, integrity, preparedness, innovation, and humanitarian service.


Article I: Name and Purpose

1.1 Name: The organization shall be known as the 11th Aerospace Expeditionary Rescue Squadron (AERS-11), hereinafter referred to as “the Squadron”.

1.2 Purpose: The Squadron’s primary purpose is to conduct rescue and relief operations in the Star Citizen universe, providing critical aid and support to those in need during emergencies, crises, and disasters.

Article II: Membership

2.1 Membership Eligibility: Membership in the Squadron is open to all individuals who share the Squadron’s values, beliefs, and commitments, and who are willing to abide by the Squadron’s rules and regulations.

2.2 Recruitment and Selection: Prospective members shall undergo a thorough recruitment and selection process, which may include assessment of skills, experience, and character. The Squadron shall strive for diversity and inclusivity in its membership, welcoming individuals from all walks of life.

2.3 Rights and Responsibilities: Members of the Squadron shall have the right to participate in the Squadron’s activities, use its resources, and contribute to its decision-making processes. Members shall also be responsible for upholding the Squadron’s values, following its rules and regulations, and actively participating in its missions and operations.

Article III: Leadership and Governance

3.1 Leadership: The Squadron shall be led by a command team consisting of a Squadron Commander and other designated officers, who shall be responsible for the overall management, direction, and administration of the Squadron. The Squadron Commander shall be elected or appointed by the members, and shall serve a designated term.

3.2 Decision-making: The Squadron shall operate in a democratic and transparent manner, with decisions on major matters, such as mission assignments, resource allocation, and policy changes, made by the command team in consultation with the members. All members shall have the right to express their opinions and participate in decision-making processes.

3.3 Code of Conduct: The Squadron shall adhere to a code of conduct that outlines the expected behaviors and standards of its members. This may include professionalism, respect for diversity, adherence to safety protocols, and ethical conduct in all activities.

Article IV: Operations and Missions

4.1 Missions: The Squadron shall conduct rescue and relief missions in response to emergencies, crises, and disasters in the Star Citizen universe. This may include search and rescue operations, medical evacuations, disaster response, and humanitarian assistance, among others.

4.2 Training and Readiness: The Squadron shall maintain a high level of training and readiness among its members, ensuring that they are well-prepared and equipped to handle the challenges and risks of their missions. Training may include emergency response procedures, first aid, survival skills, and operational tactics.

4.3 Resource Management: The Squadron shall manage its resources, including personnel, equipment, and funds, in a responsible and efficient manner, ensuring that they are utilized effectively to achieve the Squadron’s mission objectives.

4.4 Collaboration and Partnerships: The Squadron may collaborate with other organizations, communities, and entities in the Star Citizen universe, including government agencies, corporations, and other rescue groups, to enhance its capabilities and effectiveness in conducting missions.

Article V: Amendments and Dissolution

5.1 Amendments: This Charter may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members, subject to the approval of the command team. Proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing and circulated among the members prior to the vote.

5.2 Dissolution: The Squadron may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority vote of the members, subject to the approval of the command team. In the event of dissolution, the Squadron’s assets and resources shall be disbursed in a manner agreed upon by the members.