Aevum / AEVUM

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Exploration

We are one.
We are all.
We are Aevum.

We are and serve the will of Aeviternity.

Join us, and help usher in the Grand Ascension!

“Omnia est unum, Unum est omnia.”

All is one, one is all.
Still in active recruitment…


The Aevum began a small but enduring group of individuals looking for peace among a war scarred Homeworld Earth in the mid 21st century. Following teachings from multiple faiths, those of the Aevum found many congruencies between many faiths. All faiths it seemed had facets of the truth seen through varying cultural, geographic, and socioeconomic lenses. This realization made them see how futile and unnecessary that feuds between faiths were. With this premise this small group sought to bring their teachings of a unified existence among all of mankind. The first of their teachings to unify all faiths were to show people that all faith had one unifying and unwavering aspect: belief. Belief itself is what the Aevum unite under. Belief that by the power of belief itself is powerful enough to overcome any obstacle and to one day unite all of mankind under a single banner of peace, prosperity and happiness.

Timeline of the Aevum:

The Loremasters are currently at work gathering the Aevum’s historical records and compiling its history…

2077 – First Aevum believers begin preaching the word of Aeviternity.

2078 – Word of the Aevum spreads quickly, gathering followers. However, many oppose the concept of a unifying faith. Threats are made from more than one extremist group.

2080 – The first Aevum congregation is held.

2081 – Missionaries from the Aevum achieve the faith’s first peaceful resolution of two extremist religions at odds with each other.

2082 – A terrorist bombing kills two Bishops, four clerics, and one believer. Ten believers were injured in the blast.

2083 – The Charter of Aeviternity – Also known as the Trinity Charter – is written. Aevum followers begin to militarize. For the safety of the Conclave, the Aevum moves to [REDACTED] and sets up an Aracadian-style colony. A memorial is erected in honor of those killed in the bombing.

2108 – General access to space flight technology has given terrorists and governments alike another means of destroying each other. Attacks on Aevum believers become more frequent. A peace delegation sent to restore peace to two warring groups in the Middle East were assassinated before their arrival. The assassination brings the Aevum to the world stage as missionaries of peace.

2116 – Aevum missionaries are recognized as neutral arbiters in disputes between or associated with religious organizations.

2119 – Aevum missionaries in Northern Africa are attacked. Of the four in the group only one survived. Extremist groups take responsibility for the attack, calling the Aevum’s mission of peace “heresy.”

2120 – Aevum Conclave convenes and determines that intervention – divine or otherwise – will not bring peace to humanity. Humans are not ready for Aeviternity. The Conclave decides to take their followers to the stars and ostracize themselves from the public. Peace missions by the Aevum are at a minimum and remain this way for many years. This self-exile is the beginning of a plan that even the Conclave’s grandchildren’s grandchildren may not see to fruition. The Aevum is to establish a nation away from Homeworld Earth and await the day that humanity is ready for Aeviternity. Three Aevum scientists are enlisted in the Mars Terraforming Project. This mission serves the dual purpose of furthering humanity along its path to the stars and for giving the Aevum a means of establishing a nation in unclaimed territory.

2125 – The Great Mars Tragedy occurs. All three Aevum scientists die. One Aevum scientist, Johnathon Murphy, was able to survive the initial collapse of the Mars atmosphere. His final act before running out of oxygen from his breathing apparatus was to transmit terraforming data to Aevum headquarters. His sacrifice and final gesture would pave the way for the Aevum to be able to establish future colonies without the same errors as the Mars Terraforming Project.

2140 – The first Aevum starship is appropriated. It was christened the “Far Horizons.”

2157 – Aevum agents sent to Mars to determine the viability of the environment and atmosphere.

2159 – Aevum relocated main headquarters to [REDACTED] on Mars.

2220 – Nearly all of Aevum believers are relocated to the Mars colony.

2232 – Two Aevum believers – a couple, Alison and Christopher Higgs – volunteer and are selected to be a part of the Artemis mission. The ship disappears along with the other pioneers, never to be heard from again.

2300 – A group of Aevum scientists are sent to the Crosshaw System to assist in the terraforming effort, bringing with them Jonathon Murphy’s data and all work that had been done since.

2383 – After certainty of the Crosshaw System’s viability to retain the newly generated atmosphere a group of Aevum settlers relocate to the newly terraformed planets in the Crosshaw System three years after the completion of the Crosshaw Terraforming Project. The Aevum have officially reached beyond the known solar system and towards the stars.

2402 – A believer of nineteen years old who was born from the first Aevum family to cross through the jump point and into the Crosshaw System claims to have experienced Aeviternity. He is admitted into the official ranks of the Aevum but is otherwise not appropriated much attention. This believer – Alexander Occam – prophesizes a betrayal within the ranks of the Aevum and that this betrayal will lead to war.

2406 – An Aevum ship carrying seventeen families bound for planet Vann is destroyed. Faith in the Aevum diminishes.

2407 – Turmoil follows the Aevum into the stars. Even with the advancement of mankind as it is there are still those who wish to stop peace and exploit creation for their own benefit to the detriment and death of others. A few Aevum followers in the Crosshaw System defect to syndicate organizations and assist them in attacks over territory and resources. Believers throughout the Aevum lose faith and abandon their beliefs. Many begin to leave Aevum designated settlements.

2414 – A splinter faction of the Aevum known as the “Left Hand of God” emerges. Direct attacks on the Aevum are at an all-time high. The “War of Belief” begins. Alexander Occam is canonized and appointed the first Paragon Saint, absolute leader of the Aevum, and speaker of the will of Aeviternity.

2415 – The last colony in the Crosshaw System on planet Angeli is destroyed. All contact is lost with the colony. Third party sources determine the attack was led by the “Left Hand of God.”

2430 – The “War of Belief” ends in a catastrophic climax. Alexander Occam – who participated in the final battle – suffers great injuries and is left paralyzed from the waist down. No survivors of the “Left Hand of God” survived, choosing death over surrender.

2431 – The Aevum colonies in the Crosshaw System are fully re-settled. Faith in the Aevum is shaky but steadily rises in favor.

2438 – The first extra-terrestrial, intelligent race – the Banu – is discovered. Paragon Saint Occam states that Aeviternity is not unique to humans and that all beings are part of and serve the will of Aeviternity. A task force is established to learn Banu culture and language as to spread the belief of the Aevum. This is met with little success though interest seems to have been kindled.

2443 – First official Banu Aevum converts confirmed.

2444 – Paragon Saint Occam announces the Aevum’s first official military initiative as peace keepers. Actions are sanctioned by the UNE as it falls under jurisdiction of bounty hunting. The Aevum Knights serve mostly as armed transport for colonists. Occam uses this opportunity to offer their serves to the Banu in hopes of spurring growth of the faith.

2446 – The first Banu clerics appointed. Controversy arises from xenophobic fears about letting non-humans into the inner circles of the faith. Paragon Saint Occam dispels such fears as nonsense and that such fears go against the core of the faith: to be accepting of all.

2447 – Paragon Saint Occam dies due to complications from injuries sustained from the war. Before his passing he states that another will take his place in time. Until such time the Order of Saints – the original leaders before Occam’s arrival and council to the Paragon – reasserts control of the Aevum until the next Paragon shows himself.

2467 – Expansion of the Aevum faith grows to all corners of UNE space. Limited growth continues within the Banu Protectorate.

2516 – With the discovery of Terra, the Aevum set in motion efforts towards finding their own place in the vastness of space. The nexus of jump points located around Terra is to be a starting point of expansion. A few Aevum families journey to Terra.

2521 – No matter how fast the Aevum work they cannot secure a world before the UNE or other organizations. The plan is set back further. A haven among the stars would have to wait. For the time being Aevum citizens migrate to Terra.

2528 – Saint Anwir of the Order steps forward as the next Paragon. Due to favor engendered by his charismatic disposition his claim has little opposition.

2530 – The discovery of the Xi’An raises yet more questions as to whom and what applies to their faith. Due to hostilities between the humans and the Xi’An, the Aevum refrains from sending ambassadors.

2531 – As hostilities simmer between the UPE and the Xi’An, Paragon Anwir issues a statement that the Xi’An were not meant for Aeviternity. This causes a stir in the faith due to their originally accepting doctrines. However, his decision is not opposed. All efforts and future efforts to welcome the Xi’An to the Aevum were ceased immediately.

2532 – Reports of civilian transports being attack by Xi’An raiders reach the UPE and eventually the Aevum. Of the nineteen families that were on board the transport called the “Haji” three were Aevum believers with one of them being the family of a prominent Bishop that was relocating to the Kiel system. Paragon Anwir vows revenge against the Xi’An and whips the Aevum into a frenzy. However, there are those who believe this is the wrong path. The Aevum is once again divided.

2533 – Paragon Anwir begins the mass acquisition of military armament. The Aevum begin to assist UPE in small scale border skirmishes. The Aevum Legion is born.

2534 – Aevum casualties begin to deepen the divide between the Legion and the pacifist faction coming to be known as the Tranquil.

2535 – A young girl at the age of nineteen by the name of Renee Goel comes forward and claims to be the second Paragon. A rift grows within the Aevum at the prospect of there existing two Paragons.

2536 – Paragon Saint Anwir addresses the issue of there being two Paragons. He states that the girl is either crazy, an impostor, or the tool of an upstart splinter faction looking to wrest control of the Aevum. He uses the pain and scars of the War of Belief to remind people of the dangers of losing your way. Despite Anwir’s announcement, support for Goel grows.

2538 – Tension between the Legion and the Tranquil are at an all time high. Paragon Saint Anwir threatens lethal force to all who do not recognize his claim to power. Renee “The Renegade Paragon” Goel responds to the threat with nonviolence, stating that the Tranquil will not be the first to start a war. She also stresses the importance of the Aevum unifying for there will be a new enemy that they will have to face. “An enemy that does not know any better. One who will seek to take because war is their only Way.”

2541 – Hostilities between the two faction of the Aevum are at boiling point. Rumors surface that Paragon Saint Anwir amassed an army to destroy the Tranquil. Before harm could be done news of the war-like Tevarin surface. The Tevarin strike first, seeking to take system away from UPE control. Seeing this as a fulfillment of prophecy, believer begin to flock to Goel.

2542 – Paragon Saint Anwir strikes at the Tranquil. Unprepared and outnumbered the Tranquil suffer heavy casualties. The UPE are unable to intervene due to the war effort. The normally peaceful disposition of Renee Goel turns to an aggressive stance. The Tranquil arm themselves for war.

2543 – Following the unprovoked attack of the Tranquil, the council abandons Anwir and recognizies Rene Goel as the true 2nd Paragon Saint of the Aevum. Anwir is excommunicated for his crimes against the Conclave. Fueled with rage, Anwir leads a last ditch effort to regain control of the Aevum. Anwir strikes hard and fast. There are many causalities. However, they were ultimately outnumbered and Anwir’s rebellion is crushed in under a year. With the rebellion stopped Paragon Saint Goel issues order to secure Aevum families and transport them away from the fighting that the UPE-Tevarin war is engulfing.

2544 – The war with the Tevarin is ended by the UPE. Aevum believers begin to remigrate to their old homes though many stay away.

2546 – An embolded officer by the name of Ivar Messer who had become the face of the war with the Tevarin took control of the UPE and restructured it as the UEE. Ivar Messer appoints himself Prime Citizen. Although the UEE leads humanity in an age of expansion the Aevum cannot help but view this as a sign of tyranny and that the potential of corruption had been sown into the UEE just as it had with the Aevum.

2603 – The Second Tevarin war begins. Learning that the mission of the Tevarin was only to regain their homeworld the Aevum dispatches ambassadors to negotiate with the UEE. Negotiations fail miserably. Paragon Saint Goel states that due to conflicting beliefs that the Aevum should not interfere. This action prevented those who would take either side and create yet another rift in the Aevum.

2607 – The Aevum begins accept Tevarin refugees who are trying to get away from the fighting. They also accept and house wounded Tevarin soldiers. Knowledge of this does not leave the Aevum for fear of the wrath of the UEE.

2610 – The Second Tevarin war ends with the Purge and the death of the Tevarin leader Corath’Thal.

2611 – Paragon Saint Goel dies of natural causes at the age of 95. Before she passes she states that another would take her place when the time came. Her last words were recorded here: “Watch for the one birthed from the stars. They will know the way… My dear Aevum, stay united.”


Faith is sacred, no matter the belief.
Balance is sacred, no matter the cost.
Life is sacred, no matter the banner.

Faith, Balance, Life.

We are all connected. We all serve the will of Aeviternity. To support and guide others is to support and guide ourselves. To destroy our enemies is set them on their path to the divine. Through endless birth and rebirth we learn each new lesson. Through endless birth and rebirth we live all lives. Fear not for those who know not, for they shall return and return again until they join us in enlightenment. Even those who not yet understand us are us, and we are them. We learn our lessons through this universe together until each and every soul is atoned at the Great Ascension, when all will be truly one and one will be truly all.

Until the Great Ascension we seek to establish a kingdom in this universe in which peoples of all beliefs may reside safe, protected and happy. We seek to usher in an age of unending prosperity and unite all of mankind.

After ages of learning we know the truth of the universe.

All is one and one is all.
One faith, all faiths.
One balance, all balance.
One life, all lives.
All is one and one is all.

We are one.
We are many.
We are all.
We are Aevum!

Excerpt from the Annals of the Conclave: A History of the Aevum.

“We are descendants of the first Pilgrims to voyage into the darkness.
We are those who keep the faiths through our journey through space.
We are those who sought too much.
We are those who thought themselves gods.
We are those who lost our faiths among the stars.
We are those who learned through trial and divine revelation.
We are those who are reborn and stand united.

We discovered our faith on Homeworld Earth.
We warred amongst each other in the name of faith and creed.
We affirmed ourselves that our wars were just.
We stained our planet and made our people bleed.

We found our calling among the stars.
We found that war would follow suit.
We found ourselves in the emptiness of space.
We found our chaos that we had to uproot.

We unite together in the name of faith.
We seek to bring balance to all.
We defend all creeds and peoples alike.
Our reign shall never fall!

For we are Aevum and our faith is eternal.
We are the light in the blackest night.
For we are Aevum and our faith is eternal.
We unite with belief as our might!”


All members of the Conclave are expected to abide by these beliefs in hierarchical order.

  1. Defend all faiths no matter the belief.
    • If a faith is under siege we shall assist.
    • Unless a faith provokes war we shall oppress no other faith.
  2. Defend the balance of all things no matter the cost.
    • If a faction grows too large at the detriment of others we are obliged to stem their growth.
    • If a faction refuses to moderate their growth we shall intervene to remove the corruption of power before it spreads.
  3. Defend life no matter whom it belongs to.
    • If lives are needlessly being taken we shall step in to destroy the oppressors.
    • Unless our existence is threatened we shall show mercy to those who deserve it.
Conduct and Rules of the Aevum.
  • Members are to conduct themselves with honor and maturity.
  • Members are not to discuss official Aevum matters with those outside the faith.
  • Hierarchy will only be enforced during official campaigns. During such a time orders are expected to be followed.
  • Rank is determined by involvement and dedication to the faith. As such, affiliates can only achieve rank of believer. Believers are not required nor are they expected to participate in official Aevum campaigns.
  • Taunts and threats are not to be entertained nor are members to give taunts and threats.
  • Members are to respect their fellow members as well as the opinions of others. Immaturity will be frowned upon.
  • Members may only initiate conflict if the other party is determined to be a direct threat.
  • If a combatant from a conflicting party pleas mercy then it will be up to that member’s discretion whether mercy shall be given. If hierarchy is in place then it will be left to the discretion of the commander. Mercy is to be determined on a situational basis.
  • If any member commits a serious offense a tribunal will be held to determine if punishment is necessary and if necessary what that punishment should be.
  • The Aevum is accepting of all. Racism, prejudice, and sexism shall not be tolerated.
  • Aevum members are expected to come to each other’s aid in times of distress.
  • Be sure to check the guild chat every once and a while in the Org page for updates and discussions.