Action Faction / AFAC

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Action Faction – Paratus nam actio

“Ready for action” – A theme that resonates within every Action Faction member.

The Action Faction is a PMC that prides itself on discipline and experience. From small infiltration teams to front line combat there is no job the Action Faction can’t handle.




The Action Faction was created in the 24th century in response to the growing need of PMC’s to provide security and escorts for explorers, mining syndicates and Terraforming efforts.

In 2530, with the discovery of the XI’an Empire, the Action Faction along with other PMC’s were tasked to secure assets along the Human – Xi’an borders. It is understoood at this time there were multiple skirmishes with light casualties on both sides.

THE FIRST AND SECOND HUMANTEVARIN WAR 2541 – 2546 and 2603 – 2610

The Action Faction served with distinction during the first and second Human – Tevarin Wars.

First Human – Tevarin War.

Operating under the UPE banner some members of the Action Faction were stationed on Idris IV during the Tevarin bombardment and later worked with the civilian resistance group “the Greys” helping to disrupt the Tavarin occupation until the planet was liberated by UPE forces in 2544.

Second Human – Tevarin War.

Now serving under the UEE banner the Action Faction continued to serve with the same determination and tenacity exhibited during the first war with some Action Faction Pilots attached to squadron 42 where they participated in the final victory against Corath’Thal in 2610.


In the 30th Century the Action Faction has become one of the premier PMC’s and is currently operating out of Crusader in the Stanton system combatting the increased pirate activity. However there is news of escalating attacks buy the Vanduul and the Action Faction may one day soon be called to stand under the UEE’s banner once again to help combat this threat to humanity.



  1. The Action Faction’s goal is to provide combat and tactical assistance where necessary, be it on the ground or in space and also providing bounty hunting and fugitive capture services to the local jurisdictions
  2. Each member is encouraged to take the initiative and find their own work, either alone or in a group.
  3. The Action Faction expects no kickback from credits earned, members retain the full amount made from a contract.



  1. Piracy of any kind is not tolerated in Action Faction, any member (s) found to be engaging in any act of piracy will be removed from the PMC
  2. Absolutely no bullying, racism, sexism, or other forms of prejudice will be tolerated.
  3. Star Citizen is a game, its about having a good time with others. Respect and kindness must be shown to each other and any issues should be handled in the same manner.
  4. The Action Faction is a mature age group, we ask that all members wising to apply be 20+ years of age.