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Afterlife Edgerunner's / AFTEDGRNR

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Freelancing

The Stanton extension of the Afterlife in Night City providing Edgerunners a place to get together and find work and a crew


The Afterlife started as a club for the elite edgerunners of night city, a place where runners could find comradery and relaxation and where people can come to post jobs. Being headed by the top runner the place changed hands several times finally being held by Rouge until V proved himself worthy of taking over. However as all good things come to an end so did the Afterlife, with the conflicts that brought about the UEE the Afterlife became an after though of a bygone day when freedom was won thru force of arms and you were measured only by how you died. The legend of the afterlife hung on though and in 2952 Nathan ‘Dragon Reborn’ Graves sought to revitalize that idea in Stanton.


Our intention is to provide a place where fixers and orgs can find runners to do jobs and make everyone just a little richer


You are not judged by how you live and what you do while you are alive but how you die
This is the creed we live by as we live life on the edge
What we do may skirt the edges of the law but you don’t become a legend without breaking a few rules
Treat others how you will but remember only do what you can back up yourself

Fixers- Fixers are the middleman between clients and runners, they go out and hunt contracts to give to runners, collect payment from the clients and pay the runners, while providing information as needed to both parties
Solos- the heavy hitting fighters of the runners they tend to be the best whether with guns or melee they are in the thick of the fight
Nomads- our transport specialists, extra guns and some of the best pilots we have
Techies- Provide equipment and medical care to keep our runners up to the job
Netrunner- make sure what we do stays under the radar by taking out comm arrays