Assert All Authority / AIAIA

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Security

“We can insure your death”




1. Every person shall obey civil command
2. No contract to steal from or murder the innocent shall be sanctioned
3. No contract to establish or aid an illegal embargo shall be sanctioned
4. All efforts to successfully execute a contract must be made by signatories. When aide is sought by members deemed signatories from org members capable of rendering aide, all efforts must be made to provide such aide.
5. Ship captains (CO’s) and co-captains (XO’s) are responsible for following org articles
6. Ship CO’s are responsible for the crew’s following of articles
7. Ship CO’s are responsible for the strategy and planning of ship missions/contracts
8. Ship XO’s are established on larger ships when needed and are responsible crew assignments and the organization of day to day activities
9. Crew are responsible for adhering to org articles and following the chain of command


Mercenaries with a code. A new organization established for Star Citizen that seeks to attain wealth and renown throughout the galaxy. We aim to help those in need from bandits, pirates, and oppressors, for a price. Wealth for the guild is wealth for the members and with wealth comes bigger ships and bigger guns. Our reputation will denote trust, lawfulness, and meritoriousness.