Attika Interplanetary Security Initiative / AISI

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Welcome to A.I.S.I, a military Initiative with the primary Objective of Security, and a focus on Freelance work in any occupation, so you can have absolute freedom to achieve any objective you see fit.

A.I.S.I ~ Carpe Noctem {Seize The Night}



Attika Interplanetary Security Initiative AKA (A.I.S.I), was created by a couple of Freelancer / security Contractors,

after a Streak of successful Defensive Engagements against Nine Tail Forces in the Stanton System,

around Comm Arrays and during salvage missions, after officially being founded as the private military company A.I.S.I.

They began to take on more security responsibilities, which involved rescue missions of civilian star ships from Nine Tail Raids,

and the Hunting of security threats to Stanton’s Port Olisar. as time went on the A.I.S.I had increasing demand from mega corps,

to assist in all areas not just space combat and Planet Side Mercenary Missions,

as such they had truly become an Initiative and adopted the Latin Saying Carpe Noctem “Seize The Night”

With your talent, you can help many other talented Fleet members of the A.I.S.I, seize every opportunity in the black of space and on every world in Stanton

and Beyond.



A.I.S.I Objectives:
  • Exploration and F.O.B Entrenchment.
  • Security for all people and locations paid for in advance by clients.
  • Interplanetary / Interstellar Deliveries.
  • Mining of all valuable resources. ETC.
  • Operational Objectives that are not set by the General and are undertaken by members though their own initiative, will gain all the profits with no taxation from the Brass.
  • All available Occupations are accepted and supported by the A.I.S.I, this includes Piracy and criminal dealings but only under contract from a client.
  • All opportunities are yours to Seize.

~ Carpe Noctem


A.I.S.I Rules and Regulations:

  • No Bullying will be Tolerated, any member caught doing so will have their membership revoked.
  • Have Fun, Role Play or just do missions its up to you.
  • All Profits must be split equally between members/consultants who have completed a mission together.
  • Piracy and crime stats will only be taxed if you have harmed the profits of the A.I.S.I and its standing with allied factions.
  • Every member can play how they wish and only have to give support if it is requested by the Executor, which will only be Faction space conflicts and the defence of A.I.S.I Facilities.
  • Fly together and Work togther as a Team
  • No fighting over who flies and who shoots, everyone can have a go.
  • Most of all be happy and enjoy the awesome game that is Star Citizen.

~ Carpe Noctem