Analysis and Logistics Association of Commerce / ALACCO

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Analysis and Logistics Association of Commerce (A.L.A.C) –

A group of independent captains and crew persons focused on discovery, science and trade craft: a third party to help you join forces and build your network across the galaxy.

(Join us on discord! CLICK HERE)


While clearly a formal association, we are so much more. A.L.A.C is a collective of individuals who are seeking personal goals of wealth, fame, protection and companionship. We turn it up to 11 through our core process: the sharing of intellectual property.

The mutual sharing of intellectual property is the concept that A.L.A.C is founded on, and is the structure that has held our members and strength together through generations, allowing us to stay at the forefront during changing times. Regardless of the role you play, you will find a place in A.L.A.C. From a myriad of association-funded ships always looking for crew, to bounty hunters looking for a pack, the biggest asset you can bring is yourself.



Our core function is to simply offer structure, support and networking opportunities to professionals within all sectors including science, trade craft and discovery. We also offer training in all sectors for curious and willing associates.

We are a home in the stars to those that seek it; a generous association of real people to those craving enrichment and fellowship.



The guidelines and association requirements listed within this charter are an implied agreement between A.L.A.C board members, administration, the individual(s) and independent groups.

The agreement is that any departure from the terms in this charter as reviewed when needed or by a case by case basis will be met with some form of disciplinary action up to and including total expulsion; ex-communication from all associated networks.

The expectations are as follows:

1. Understanding you in no way out-value and, with the exception of staff, in no way outrank anyone within the association. To take unjustified liberty on this false assumption is a violation.

2. Any and all tools of trade craft; sciences; discovery; concepts; artworks; or intellectual property when provided to, or developed by A.L.A.C is then considered an asset and therefore property of A.L.A.C. Any un-authorised distribution of said material is a violation of your association agreement.

3. You will not demonstrate prejudiced discrimination towards, nor unjustly discriminate against a fellow associate or any external parties.

4. You will not take any direct or indirect action that would foresee-ably hinder and/or breach the safety, privacy or security of A.L.A.C material or members. Subject to being deemed in violation, your case for expulsion will not be considered for review.