Interlock / ALACRITOUS

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Transport

We pride ourselves on our ability to respond without delay or hesitation to any manner of objective we take on. We specialize in what ever you need us to! With a diverse fleet with both dedicated pilots for combat and non-combat operations we can respond to the need of any client.


Alacritous was formed by a group of engineers and an entrepreneur following a trip to Baker III in 2941 trying to establish a sledding/skiing resort for upscale tourists. They quickly decided sledding alone on this planet was deadly with near instant hypothermia causing temperatures. Following the death of their communication operator because of a lost shipment of warmer clothes, they abandoned the project. Following this incident the founders set out to provide their own service guaranteeing that high value goods will get where they need to be, thus Alacritous was born. Alacritous has expanded since its founding offering services spanning a number of sectors for not only transportation but services of every kind. While we pride ourselves in our first class ability to transport important cargo, we have evolved to fit every customer’s need.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.