Albatross Inc. / ALBATROSS

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Engineering

Albatross Incorporated – Spread your wings.


Hostile Takeover

Albatross Inc. formerly one of the UEE’s premier deep space exploration and engineering contractors is now just a shadow of it’s former glory.

The vast majority of assets liquidated and sold off to the highest bidders after scandals in the media centered around a high profile failed expedition to unexplored space which resulted in the loss of Albatross Inc’s state of the art primary Deep Space Exploration Fleet.

The resulting media fallout aided in no small part by rival contractors caused share prices to free fall. After several attempts at recovery Albatross Inc. succumbed to a particularly brutal hostile takeover.

Advocacy Investigation

An Advocacy investigation into third parties involved in the takeover uncovered examples of corruption, bribery and media manipulation carried out against Albatross Incorporated and it’s board members. With the acquiring corporation under Advocacy investigation, UEE Administrators were appointed to manage the part liquidated corporation’s remaining assets.

UEE Navy reports of hostile activity from an as yet unidentified alien species in the uncharted region of space known to have been the lost fleet’s last known position served to arrest the descent of the stricken corporation. Further assisted by a leaked internal memo released by the media in which the Executive Branch of Albatross Inc. had previously declared their intention to “relentlessly continue the search for the lost fleet”, the memo also indicated Board Members would take command of the Second Fleet personally for the search.

New United News hailed the memo as evidence of “A rare and honorable corporation in a world dominated by corruption and greed”. Renewed public support fueled the Advocacy investigations which in turn ruthlessly dismantled all parties confirmed to have engaged in foul play against Albatross Inc.


As a result of the Advocacy investigation and the outside support of connections made during UEE Navy Service by board members, Albatross Incorporated’s founders as the primary shareholders were successful during negotiations with the administrators allowing them to retain the name and a small fraction of the Exploratory Division’s Second Fleet.

Including the former Flagship “Lost Horizon” an Idris class frigate retrofitted for Deep Space Exploration. Though outdated when compared to her now lost successor, the Horizon logged over a decade of deep space exploration before her retirement.

Continued Operation

The Corporation continues to this day run by the original founding members, whilst financially a success the owners focus on exploring further and further into uncharted space. Several attempts to entice investors in the hopes of securing financial backing to expand Albatross Incorporated’s exploration has resulted in failure amidst rumours the owners obsess over the search for their lost fleet and her crews.


The continued exploration of uncharted deep space to facilitate the betterment of mankind through science and engineering.

To ensure the safety and security of all employees.

To achieve a consistent state of growth allowing for the continued expansion of the Deep Space Exploration Fleet.

To achieve a consistent state of growth allowing for the continued expansion of the engineering division.


  1. Uphold standards of professionalism.
  2. Uphold standards of Integrity
  3. Ensure availability of information to employees regarding risk.
  4. Treat all species as equals in the absence of hostilities
  5. Should hostilities arise respond with unrestricted force.
  6. Adhere to UEE laws and those of any local authority providing employee safety is not compromised.
  7. Adhere to UEE requests providing employee safety is not compromised
    - Exceptions to the above clause can be made if employees voluntarily choose to sign a waver.
  8. Not withold technology that could otherwise benefit mankind.
  9. Not withhold information that could otherwise benefit mankind.
    - Reasonable profit is considered equivalent trade for the above with the caveat that withholding said information may result in loss of life.
  10. Enact rescue operations to any request for assistance received regardless of cost.
    - Remunerations will be pursued following the successful conclusion of rescue operations with employment being offered to those individuals unable to make such reparations.