Alliance Navy / ALLIANCENA

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Security

Welcome captain to the alliance navy were our purpose is the protection of all planets of stanton, We are for the people and will protect those who can not protect themselves, So captain come aboard and lets see what you have, We offer weekly checks ranging from how long you’ve been here – Hackett


The Systems Alliance is the representative body of ArcCorp and all human colonies in Stanton space. Backed by ArcCorp most powerful Family’s, the Alliance has become humanity’s military, exploratory, and economic spearhead. While the Alliance is relatively new to the galactic community, it has already made a name for itself, gaining humans an embassy on the Planet of ArcCorp. The Alliance is governed by a parliament based at Wala, which also serves as the Alliance’s capital.


Never before have so many come together—from all quarters of the galaxy. But never before have we faced an enemy such as this. The Pirates will show us no mercy. We must give them no quarter. They will terrorize our populations. We must stand fast in the face of that terror. They will advance until our last ship falls, but we will not fall. We will prevail. Each of us will be defined by our actions in the coming battle. Stand fast. Stand strong. Stand together. Hackett out.”


No Killing innocents unless provoked, No stealing from others, You may dispose of any pirates you see unless told other wise, Be Kind, Respectful, And Most importantly Faithful