Anubis Logistics & Protection Services: We accept all manner of contracts, nothing too big or small. Our leader Anu Bissouma is a Military Veteran with over a decade of combat and logistical experience.. From personal protection, fleet escort, VIP taxi and protection to front line soldiers and more!
ANUBIS PMC was founded officially in late 2954, having worked as a Freelancer for the best part of a decade and also as an asset to Major Corporations Anu used the creds earned to set up and found Anubis Logistics & Protection Services.
Anubis members are technically Freelancers, we just give them the tools and training required to make themselves rich. All contract prices are set to what you deem worthy dependant on job, when representing ALPS and or utilising company assets we request that a percentage of all contracts be given to the Company (Sent to Anubis) so that we can continue to grow and expand our operations… Currently our services are only applied to Stanton, Pyro contracts require an increase in our Logistical network before we set up an FOB that side of the gate.